Sunday, March 09, 2025

Anniversary of JFK's assassination approaches: where were you?

by Justyna Tomtas/Valley Press
| November 20, 2013 10:11 AM

Almost 50 years ago from this date, the nation was thrown into shock after President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated.

As the 35th President of the United States, Kennedy was shot while his motorcade drove through the downtown streets of Dallas, Texas.

Kennedy made it to the emergency room of the Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he died approximately 30 minutes later. At 46 years old, Kennedy became the third president to be assassinated in office.

The nation went into a proclaimed period of mourning and the flag flew at half staff for 30 days.

Many remember the day as clearly as yesterday and are able to pinpoint their exact locations.

Plains resident Butch Shomate was working for the city of Sacramento when he heard the news.

“We heard it over the radio and could not believe it. I was just out of high school and nothing like that had ever happened in my life,” said Shomate. “We were in a state of shock really.”

Another resident of Sanders County, Bonnie Jean Triplett, remembers she was attending high school in Denver.

“We heard about it in between classes. We had never thought something like this could happen,” said Triplett. “It really shook the foundation of people in this country. Politics aside, it really changed everything in the United States for forever.”

As for Plains resident, Sally Braun, she was staying in a little motel room with her two babies when the news about the assassination came on.

“I was devastated when I heard it. Jackie was always my hero and I actually named my oldest daughter Jacqueline,” said Braun. “I was always so impressed with how she held her head up through all the (rough times) in her life.”

As the 50th anniversary takes place on November 22nd, many people in the nation will look back and remember the day the nation lost their president.