Saturday, March 01, 2025

Christmas program looking for participants

| November 20, 2013 1:17 PM

The Annual Community Christmas Program will be Monday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Superior.

The Superior United Methodist Church has been sponsoring this annual event for many years, reported Nancy Garcia, coordinator. For several years, due to the increase in attendance and participation, the program has been presented in larger facilities….each year alternating between St. Mary’s Catholic Church and the LDS Church.

Attendance has increased each year as more people find this evening of Christmas music an excellent way for the community to come together and begin the Advent Season. Those wishing to participate in the Christmas program, please contact Nancy Garcia by Wednesday, Nov. 27th.

This year a new feature has been added. There will be a display of Nativity scenes. If you would like to have yours displayed, please bring it to the LDS Church on SUNDAY, DEC. 1st between 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. Please provide some information….Is it an old one that has been handed down in the family?; or is it handmade?; or maybe you’ve had it for a long time. We are already beginning to receive comments indicating there will be quite a variety. We will endeavor to place a card with each nativity set on display, indicating a bit of history and its owner’s names. The information can be given to Nancy any time, but in order to know how many nativity scenes will be on display, please provide that information ASAP. Please contact Nancy Garcia (822-4570) or Janet Updike (822-0124) by Wednesday, Nov. 27th.

As has been the custom for several years…the Denley Loge’s Community Band will play prior to the program. Thanksgiving is only a few days prior, therefore, it would be greatly appreciated that individuals or groups wishing to participate in the program, please contact Nancy Garcia by Wed. Nov. 27th . Nancy can be contacted at 822-4570 or Email: