Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Chamber of commerce discuss Obamacare changes

by Adam Robertson/Mineral Independent
| November 27, 2013 1:06 PM

SUPERIOR – Information about health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act was presented to the Chamber of Commerce at the November meeting.

During a presentation to the chamber, Kristi Scott, outreach and enrollment specialist for Mineral Regional Health Center, outlined what businesses and providers would have to observe once the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was fully implemented in 2014. Scott talked about changes the act would bring, how insurance companies would be able to charge customers and tax credits available to small businesses through the law.

Scott related how children could receive dependent coverage until age 26. She also outlined the free care given for immunizations, wellness exams, birth control and other services.

Scott discussed the ways insurance companies charge premiums. The providers base fees on age, location, family size and tobacco use. Scott did not focus solely on family insurance, she also talked about changes to how businesses would handle insurance under the act.

Also discussed in the presentation was how a small business would benefit if it offered health care. The Small Business Health Option Program (SHOP) grants some of the benefits under the law. According to Scott, beginning in 2014, a tax credit could be available to businesses who buy insurance plans through the SHOP.

Companies could compare plans on an apples-to-apples basis and would have a greater selection of products to choose from. The ability to look at plans side by side would allow employers to find the best health care option for the individual business and its employees.

Scott said the SHOP was open now, but no businesses in Montana have used it yet. Though she is not certified to make SHOP arrangements herself, Scott said she knew someone in Missoula who could help. The person is willing to come to Mineral County to help businesses through the process.

“She’s actually eager to come visit,” said Scott.

The chamber also discussed how important it was to have people use the services of the hospital and health center. People or companies who use a plan through MRHC would start to help bring business to the facilities. Larry Putnam, interim chief executive officer of Mineral Community Hospital, described MRHC as a gateway to the hospital. He said a person who uses the health center might be more likely to use the hospital for other services.

According to Putnam, the labs are shared between MCH and MRHC. When tests are done by the health center, the samples are sent to the hospital’s labs and analyzed by the technicians there. This cooperation leads to shared business and faster results on tests. Also, with further health care services right next door, it is more convenient for a patient to use both institutions for diagnosis and treatment.

More information on health coverage and SHOP can be gained by contacting Scott at MRHC or by email at

The rest of the meeting was used to take care of chamber business. Winterfest may be cancelled this year due to a lack of organizers. The chamber has asked any volunteers who would like to organize the event to contact Mary Jo Berry at the chamber office by calling 822-4891.

However, a winter festival may still be held in the form of an open house at the Chamber of Commerce office. Community members and businesses would be invited to the chamber to celebrate the season. The event would feature a bonfire in the parking area out front and hors’devours would be available for people’s enjoyment.

With little time to plan the event, the open house would be a small gathering and would not include things like pictures with Santa. Door prizes would be provided by chamber member businesses. Any extra features and activities would require volunteers to organize them.

“We’re…not going to go out looking for stuff,” said Anita Bailey, president of the Chamber of Commerce. “If somebody wants to coordinate something, that’d be great.”

The appointment of new officers for next year was also discussed. A new president and vice president will start at the beginning of 2014. Monte Turner was announced as a possible candidate for the 2014 presidency. However, it was said the appointment would depend on whether he was still in Mineral County at the time. Due to the reorganization at MCH and MRHC, the entire staff has had to wait to see what happens.

“He can’t keep driving back and forth from Missoula and still have time to be president of the chamber,” said Bailey. “Until we hear otherwise, we will think positively and Monte will be on the slate for president.”

Ironically, the main vice presidential candidate is in the same position as Turner. According to Bailey, David Lawrence expressed interest in the position, but may be unavailable for it. Bailey will send an email out to invite chamber members or the community to nominate other candidates for the presidency and vice presidency. The other chamber officer positions are either already appointed or the incumbents will continue on another year.

One of the final items on the agenda was the announcement of four new businesses to the Chamber of Commerce: Alphie’s Autos, Dan’s Cleaner Carpets, Hyrel’s Photography and Laughing Lady Grocery.

The next Chamber of Commerce meeting will be on Thursday, December 19, at 7 p.m. in the chamber office.