Friday, March 14, 2025

Mineral County Commissioners Briefs

| October 2, 2013 9:40 AM

The following briefs are from the official minutes of the September 27 and 30 meetings of the Mineral County Commissioners.

Noise Ordinance Discussion

Sheriff Ernie Ornelas said he had no notice of the Shine Intergalactic event until the week prior and then explained why he could not arrest “the people” for noise at an event. Several statutes were read by the sheriff regarding the issue and he suggested that in the future permits should be issued for events as well. The sheriff further suggested that there should be time limits in place for when fireworks and other loud noises could happen.

Several county residents were at the meeting and discussed the “disturbing” nature of the noise – including fireworks and loud music.

County Planner and Sanitarian Tim Read explained how he found out about the event and that once he was informed he performed food service inspections at the site.

After more discussion was had regarding the noise created by Shine Intergalactic and the possibility of creating a noise ordinance, the commissioners said they would talk with the County Attorney and MACO regarding the event and what actions can be taken in the future.

Road Resolution for South Fork Nemote Creek

Commissioner Laurie Johnston made a motion to approve resolution 9-30-13, which established a portion of Sourth Fork Nemote Creek Road as a Public Road Right-Of-Way. Duane Simons seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.