Thursday, March 06, 2025

Superior Bobcats dominate on the field

by Adam Robertson/Mineral Independent
| October 16, 2013 11:32 AM

SUPERIOR – The Superior Bobcats won an amazing 58-20 victory against the Arlee Warriors on Friday.

The Bobcats played a strong game with a lot of good plays. The Superior players had a good defense and often kept Arlee from progressing down the field for much of the game.

During Arlee’s offense the Bobcats worked to keep the Warriors from advancing, often turning the line of scrimmage into a mass of shoving bodies that eventually collapsed under their own inertia. players roll over the top of one another or end up in a dog pile on top of them.

When the Bobcats were on offense, they were equally strong. Superior’s players are well conditioned and can really push forward. The team would not be stopped in their advances. During one impressive play Superior a handful of yards, the player only going down after four Arlee players had ganged up to take him down.

According to Head Coach Alan Labbe, Arlee has a really good athletics team and he was proud of the Bobcat’s performance. He said their goal was to keep Arlee from advancing with the ball and reclaim it to score as often as possible.

Labbe was happy to say that there were a lot of really good plays during the game. Senior Anthony Parkin was on fire and played really well. Every time Parkin caught the ball he got a touchdown for what Labbe described as an amazing stat of five catches to five touchdowns. Vicente Guerrero and Parkin also made excellent intercepts during the game.

Junior Wyatt Zylawy played really well alongside Parkin. On multiple occasions, Parkin was able to get into the clear where Zylawy threw amazing passes to him for a touchdown.

The Bobcat’s teamwork was spot-on for such plays. The defensive line would keep the Arlee players occupied and off of Parkin and Zylawy. By the time Arlee would realize what was happening, it was too late and Parkin would have enough of a lead to make a touchdown or get a large advance.

Leading up to their next game, the Bobcats will be working on improving their tackles and blocking players until the whistle blows. Labbe said it is a mental focus that they need to “kick up a notch.” They need to focus on keeping the other team immobilized until the Bobcats score or take down a player with the ball.

“You do that and you have a better chance of scoring,” Labbe said.

Superior has a really good football team. If they improve where they need to and continue to play strong, they should play great in their next game.

Superior’s next game will be a home game against Noxon on October 18 at 7:00.