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Timberwolves put up big numbers in road win

by Adam Robertson/Mineral Independent
| October 23, 2013 10:20 AM

ALBERTON/ST. REGIS – The Timberwolves claimed a decisive 53-12 victory Wednesday in their game against the Lincoln Lynx.

The Timberwolves had a slow start at first with Lincoln gaining the first few touchdowns in the first quarter. The team recovered, though, and played really well, they did not let the Lynx gain any more touchdowns and got a lot of turnovers. A tactic which, according to Head Coach Jake Giffen, was their biggest goal going into the game.

The Timberwolves “kept everything clean” and made sure Lincoln was unable to get possession of the ball as often as possible. The team had a good offensive with lots of blocks that allowed for some amazing plays. The defense started out a little rough, but once Assistant Coach Erik Johnson adjusted the team’s tactics to counter those used by the Lynx their efficiency improved.

Senior Keir Sanzano had a “phenomenal game” with 102 yards rushing on 14 carries. Praise was also given for Sanzano’s defense along with that of Senior Troy Munsch. Giffen also noted Junior Tyler Ishler for his “big receiving plays” that really helped the Timberwolves succeed. Many of these successes were attributed as being a team effort that would not have been possible if the whole team had not been working together.

“A lot of that doesn’t happen without [their] teammates blocking for [them],” said Giffen. “The game wouldn’t have been won if it wasn’t for everyone executing and doing what they were supposed to do.”

Unfortunately, Senior Andrew Lommen had to be removed from play in the first quarter after he suffered a separated shoulder.

Leading up to the next Timberwolves game, against Hot Springs, Giffen will be working with the Timberwolves on their defense and especially defending while on the offensive.

“[I believe] our defense is gonna win that football game,” said Giffen.

During practices, all of the coaches will be looking for any mismatches in positions or tactics that need fixing before the game. According to Giffen, having everyone at their best is critical to the success of the game.

“In games like this, we have to play a perfect game,” said Giffen. “One or two mistakes happen [and] a team like Hot Springs will take advantage of it and we can’t afford to have that happen.”

Giffen had no predictions on the outcome of the game. He said Hot Springs is also a really good team and it will come down to who plays a better game and “gets the fewest turnovers.”

The Timberwolves next game is on Friday October 25, in Alberton, against the Hot Springs Red Devils. This will be their final game before play-offs begin.