Friday, March 14, 2025

Interim CEOS found for MCH and Mineral Health Center

| October 30, 2013 4:07 PM

SUPERIOR - Larry Putnam has accepted the position of Interim CEO of Mineral Community Hospital (MCH) in Superior.

Mr. Putnam is a Billings native, who spent the majority of his health care career in Malta, Montana, where he was the CEO and was involved in the building of a new facility.

He attempted to retire in Helena 6 years ago, but has been involved in Interim CEO positions in hospitals at Big Timber, Jordan, Livingston and in Wyoming. Larry has a fondness for small rural Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) and is very delighted to have been hired by the MCH Governing Board of Directors.

Cindy Stergar is an Anaconda native and has been hired as the Interim CEO at Mineral Regional Health Center (MRHC)in Superior, with clinics in DeBorgia and St. Regis also.

Cindy has been involved with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), most recently with the Butte Silver-Bow Primary Health Care Clinic.

Both Interim CEOs are committed to Quality Health Care for our community and stress that strong collaboration between the two facilities is vital.