Saturday, March 01, 2025

Sanders County Court Records - Aug. 20-26

| September 4, 2013 9:14 AM

Sanders County Justice Court week of 8/20 to 8/26.

Bond forfeited:

July 12, Franklund, Charlotte, Autumn. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 21, Pratt, Oliver J. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 22, Ellenwood, Christopher Robin. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 mph

August 22, Park, Aaron Edward. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 23, Wise, Glenn Owen. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 23, Allenby, Sarah Jane. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed night limit of 65 mph.

August 23, Shaw, Jason Troy. Careless driving; Operating with expired registration – failure to reregister.

August 23, Ashby, Eugene Howard. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 23, Sampson, Jordan Dale. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department; Seatbelt violation.

August 23, Wahle, Dawn Reeves. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 23, Wood, Michael Robert. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 23, Thompson, Bradley James. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 mph.

August 23, Ferguson, Eric Anthony. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 mph.


August 21, Baird, Haylie Marie. HFTWL – Fishing without a license as established by law or department.

August 21, Collis, Christopher David. Fail to carry proof or exhibit insurance – owner or operator – 1st offense.

August 21, Iler, Marsha Lea. Speeding on interstate – exceed day limit of 75 mph.

August 22, Brooks, Bryan James. Burglary; Criminal trespass to property; Criminal mischief pecuniary loss less than $1,500; Destruction/tampering of communication device to obstruct/prevent/interfere – criminal defense.


August 21, Vera, Esmeralda Ortega. Partner or family member assault causing bodily injury to partner or family member.

August 21, Melior, Tatiana Kristen. Disorderly conduct; Obstructing a peace office or other public servant.

August 21, Chaffin, Richard Bertram. Driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked.

August 21. Kobluk, Amber Rae. Displaying license plates assigned to another vehicle; Seatbelt violation.

August 21, Collis, Christopher David. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 23, Franklund, Charlotte Autumn. Driving without a valid drivers license.