Friday, January 10, 2025

Mineral County Chamber Chatter

| April 15, 2014 2:56 PM

Hey, we missed you at the Pizza and Pop Brainstorming Session the other day, but 14 of us round-tabled many ideas and they were then presented to our county commissioners. Nothing earth shattering or extremely unique that hasn’t been tossed around before, but, we’re all talking and that’s all I wanted this discussion to do.

Cliff Notes of the meeting: Philipsburg; Gerber Knives, biomass depots from local slash; Shelby Economic Development; hiking/mountain biking/fishing/hunting/running/skiing….A Mecca of healthy outdoor activities!; 3-Phase power and 4-building sites with I-90 exposure/airport; mega truck stop; wooden door manufacturing; food processing; a Beautification Committee/grants for sprucing-up our town entries and personal sized freeze dried manufacturing systems.

All over the board so jump in as we’ll have Round II on Thursday, May 22nd from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the chamber office, ok?

And this time, we roll up our sleeves. We could use a grant writer though, as operating capital is sparse yet we all know that grant money is out there to get us jump started. Anyone with this knowledge and experience can have extra pizza that evening…. Golly, we have so many events coming up and the information is scattered through the planning processes so let me just give you the meat and potatoes and invite you to go to our web site to get more information: May 1st the St. Regis Visitor Center opens for our guests; May 24-26 is the infamous Flea Market in St Regis; Saturday, June 7th House Rock Car Show in Superior celebrating its 15th year; the next Saturday, June 14th is the Mineral County Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament at Trestle Creek; and the Trail Rail Run is the following Saturday, June 21, which is looking for volunteers to staff medical aid stations from Lookout Pass to St Regis. is a pretty slick site to browse every so often.

In closing, our monthly meeting is tomorrow evening, April 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the Alberton Senior Center and you’re invited as we hear about PEAK (Promoting Excellence in Alberton-Area Kids), cover some business and laugh with other like-minded people. I believe you’ll enjoy who you meet, and what you’re going to hear.

Monte Turner,
