Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Chamber chatter

| August 28, 2014 2:47 PM

Was this not the BEST Huckleberry Season you’ve ever seen?!  First, an unbelievable beargrass season. Then ‘hucks’ to follow in copious amounts.  But what does this have to do with business and economic development? Because it’s just another reason why we chose to live here. To raise families and volunteer in our communities. To trade goods and services with one another and help our neighbors in need. Have coffee with buddies in the morning and picnics in the summer. Hunt morels and look for antler sheds in the spring. Fish the Clark Fork and mountain lakes. Ride ATVs and snowmobiles. Rail Road Day, Trail Rail Run, Old School House Rock Car Show, flea markets and farmers markets. It’s part of the fabric of this community and we are blessed to be invited to participate. Right here. Today and years from now. So we need to cherish and protect it while we work to improve the economy. Kevin Chamberlain is the Extension Agent for Mineral County and he is working closely with the USFS in the newly formed Resource Coalition on getting our timber industry restored. Maybe not to the ‘glory years,’ but then again, maybe so! Open Doors, Inc. is eyeballing the theater in Superior and the bar/café next door to it to reopen them both and then other properties for expansion. More on these developments in the next 90 days. My point is, there is movement to help us get back on our feet. Development that will create jobs and initiate revitalization while protecting the resources that we treasure. What is needed is your support. Not financially, but by being optimistic. Not Polly Anna, but believing that it can be done, this time. Too many disappointments have soured many people who are cynical and angry. I get that. It can become easy to say, ‘It’ll never happen because it would’ve by now’ but I ask you to not go there! Many hard workers are behind the scenes with grants, relationship building, connections and investors. I can’t wait for the headlines in the Mineral Independent to scream, it’s happening! Now grab a bucket and go get those choke cherries as the bushes are dripping in ripe fruit!

Monte Turner


Mineral County Chamber of Commerce