Monday, March 03, 2025

Court records

| August 29, 2014 8:26 PM

From the Sanders County Justice Court week of 8/12 - 8/18.

Bond forfeited:

August 12, Moskaloff, Bryan Lee. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed night limit of 65 mph.

August 12, Duran, David Aaron. Driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked.

August 12, Larson, Thomas Patrick. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 mph.

August 13, Pogue, Seth. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 13, Keen, Nicholas Charles. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 14, Sampson, Theodore Lee. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 14, Weatherly, Joshua G. Failure to wear personal flotation device.

August 14, Smith, Jill Marie. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 mph.

August 14, McConnell, Neil W. Change lanes when unsafe to do so.

August 14, Nourse, Ryan Michael. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 14, Short, Tyler Wade. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 14, Lohkamp, Thomas Gerard. Careless driving.

August 14, Holter, Angela Tomi. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 14, Mendenhall, Dylan Andrew. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 14, Fonnet, Joshua William Paul. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 mph.

August 14, Yoder, Amanda F. Speeding – exceed posted speed over elevated structure; Insufficient visibility of stop lamps.

August 15, Knight, Hannah Damaris. Speeding – exceed restricted speed limit established by local authority.

August 16, Miller, Michelle Catherine. Speeding – exceed restricted/special zone speed limit established by department.

August 16, Perez, Alejandro Perec. Speeding – exceeding posted speed over elevated structure.

August 16, Kelsey, Randall James. Improper passing – highway ahead obstructed.

August 17, Kerr, Kenneth Ross. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed day limit of 70 mph.

Deferred imposition of sentence:

August 12, Garber, Mark Lavern. Speeding – exceeding posted speed over elevated structure.

August 14, Laabs, Robert James. Speeding on non-interstate – exceed night limit of 65 mph.


August 12, Carpenter, Bernie Ray. Driving under the influence of alcohol – 1st offense.

August 12, Reinschmidt, Peter Joseph. No CDL for type of vehicle being operated.

August 13, Jordan, Nicholas Jude. Operating without liability insurance in effect – 2nd offense.

August 13, Harris, Mahala Nell. Operating without liability insurance in effect – 1st offense.

August 13, Schaefer, Raymond James. Criminal possession of dangerous drugs – marijuana (60 grams or less) – 2nd offense – felony.


August 12, Nyomo, John Paul. Seatbelt violation.

August 12, Larson, Dan Ross. Operating with expired registration – failure to reregister.

August 13, Fisher, Rocky Lynn Jr. Driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked; Operating without liability insurance in effect – 3rd or subsequent offense; Seatbelt violation.

August 13, Jordan, Nicholas Jude. Seatbelt violation.

August 13, Ronniger, David Lee. Operating with expired registration – failure to reregister; Parking on road when practical to park off road.

August 13, Potter Fields, Debra Leona. Operating vehicle with tires having illegal studs, etc; Operating vehicle without making application for transfer of registration (40 day grace period); Operating without liability insurance in effect – 1st offense.

Transferred to another court:

 August 13, Schaefer, Raymond James. Partner or family member assault, causing bodily injury to partner or family member; Criminal possession of drug paraphernalia.