Friday, March 14, 2025

Sanders County Senior News

| February 5, 2014 11:28 AM


We began February with more real winter...I KNEW it would come back, in spite of the early spring feel for some time! The furor has increased at my bird feeding station. Last year’s red-wing blackbirds appeared at last, and even a lone robin showed up to nibble some apple peelings left out for rabbits. “Watchable Wildlife” from my kitchen window!

We had a nice group for Monday dinner lately, in spite of the winter drive. It was enhanced by the presence of some (of the 20) Monday- afternoon- pinochle players, who stayed for the delicious menu.

You are welcome to join in the traveling group, who meet in Dixon on the last Monday at 1:30. Stay for dinner at 5:00 p.m.

The menu coming up will be:

Thurs. Feb. 6 Beef burritos

Mon. Feb. 10 Baked chicken

Thurs. Feb. 13 BRUNCH for LUNCH...Quiche, biscuits & gravy

Mon. Feb. 17 Chili

Thurs. Feb. 20 Turkey

Mon. Feb. 24 Lasagna

Thurs. Feb. 27 Roast beef

Cook Diane’s latest supreme dessert was a delightful rhubarb with marshmallow-lemon topping. Come see what she does even with left-overs! We welcome any age diner. You may take a meal home for later enjoyment.

News from our missing member, Faye Pitts, is that she is still recuperating from her fall, and is nice and warm in the care center in Ronan. Dear Betty Wetzel, our remaining 90+ yr. young senior finally decided to not risk walking to the center, as she always does, and got her car out of the garage. No apparent problems with that!

I am enjoying being retired and not HAVING to go anyplace for awhile...just enjoying the view and the warmth. Stay safe!

Martha Cole Jenkins, Secretary

Thompson Falls

Hello again! Guess we’ll be waiting awhile for Spring.....


Thurs., Feb. 6th Dinner at 6:00 is Chicken

Tues., Feb. 11th Lunch at Noon is BLTs

Thurs., Feb. 13th Dinner at 6:00 is Pizza

Have a great week!

Jane Ward, Secretary