Friday, March 14, 2025

FWP announces 2014 fishing and hunting licenses

| February 12, 2014 2:29 PM

SANDERS COUNTY - Montana’s new 2014 hunting and fishing year begins March 1. Licenses are now on sale statewide.

Additionally, resident and nonresident deer and elk permit applications and information is available online at; click “March 15–Deer & Elk Permits”.

The easiest way to apply of a deer or elk permit is online. Paper application pamphlets will be available from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and most license providers by mid-February. The application deadline is March 15.

Several elk hunting districts have “pending” quotas that won’t be finalized by the Fish & Wildlife Commission until Feb. 13. If you’re interested in applying for one of the pending hunting districts, check the FWP website after Feb. 13 to ensure your choices are available.

Nonresidents seeking to apply for big game combination, elk combination or deer combination licenses and deer and elk permits for the 2014 fall Montana hunting season can also apply online or download an application from FWP’s website. To request an application by mail, write to: Licensing Section; Montana FWP; P.O. Box 200701, Helena MT; 59620-0701; or call: 406-444-2950.

May 1 is the deadline to apply for moose, sheep, goat and bison licenses and June 2 for antlerless deer B and elk B licenses and antelope and antelope B licenses.

Montana’s upcoming hunting and fishing license year runs from March 1 to Feb. 28, 2015.