Sunday, February 23, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Reaction to letters

| February 12, 2014 1:22 PM

The two Dear Editor pieces in the Feb. 5th edition could not have been more opposite to one another. The first by Kathleen Hassan of Trout Creek was right on and I could add hundreds of more examples of where common sense has died and been replaced by “non-common sensible” comments as were made by John F. Middlemiss, Sr. also of Trout Creek.

Hassan, obviously loves the freedoms as provided by the one last “hope” for freedom, The United States of America, while Middlemiss, obviously embraces “enslavement” as provided by his “utobian” love of Dictatorships, Socialism, Communism and the like… or in reality almost the rest of the world membership of the United Nations.

Yes… John, there are concentrations of private wealth that have “partnered” with dictators and “would-be” dictators such as George Soros and his puppet president. These “partnerships” such as G.E, G.M., Google, Bill Gates, and a slew of other old world “Royalist Capitalists”, have done a lot of damage to the world. They have indeed set the pace for the average third world nations to have to live off of a couple of dollars a day, while the dictator-in-chiefs live in marble palaces and their wives cry out: “Let them eat cake”.

You also really stretched the truth John on a lot of your statements. The only people who are in poverty in the U.S. are those who are mentally ill after “buying in” to the “Utopian” dream that “big daddy” government is responsible to take care of me. Most of them are doing just fine supplied with “freebies” that are forcibly taken from the viably employed. The rest are voluntarily taken care of by the viably employed and Christian Churches.

I just really wish that people like John could go see how the “real” world lives in abject poverty under the hands of dictators who “have a pen and a phone” to slowly erode the freedoms of their country.

John, it is non-sensible to erode freedom and common sense of the last bastion of freedom in the world, so as to bring us down to the level of the enslaved nations of the world.

Les Wood,
