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Letters to the Editor - Feb. 19

| February 19, 2014 2:04 PM

Handouts are bad

I agree with Les Wood.

It is a sad commentary that folks who live in relative comfort and now the illusion of freedom here, continue to think as they do. Collectivism and progressive ideology is taking it’s toll on that liberty and freedom that built the prosperity they enjoy. Folks like Mr. Middlemiss are misguided to believe in concepts foreign to principled self reliance. Foreign concepts like redistribution of wealth, that only ever serve to enrich the overlords and continue the enslavement the people.

The American Revolution was fought to cast off the shackles of subservience to a colonial master. It was principled devotion to the idea of Liberty and Freedom and the individual’s right to own private property and keep the fruits of ones labors that so recent in the history of man established the prosperity and abundance we have become accustomed to. It was progressive ideology that led to the French Revolution, a murderous and savage civil war.

OH, it’s evil capitalism is it? Really? All systems are capitalist - development of resources to produce goods - the difference is who owns the resources, who gets to enjoy the products, and prospers.

Handouts keep people slaves and create class warfare.

Lark Chadwick,

Thompson Falls

Act on the Shield Act

Senator Tester,

It is time now to put the Shield Act up to the Senate for passage!

I do not know if you are knowledgeable concerning EMP’s, whether from solar flares or from air burst nuclear strikes, but you need to become informed, if you are not already.

We had a terrorist attack against a California power facility last April, which could have taken out the power grid in and around San Francisco for years. (The biggest power transformers are only made in South Korea). Portions of the power grids have fallen due to solar flares, notably one in Canada a number of years back. We have enemies that wish to destroy the United States and with an easily placed nuclear strike over central U.S., could set us back into the middle ages. At the moment we are in danger of X class Solar Flares according to, due to sunspots AR 1967 and 1968. They are passing off of the face of the side of the sun that would affect us but have been posing a danger for some time. When will the next one become large enough. Scientists tell us that they seem to occur about every 140 years. The last one was about that long ago in the 1800’s.

Will you work to harden the grid? Or will you just put it off and hope it doesn’t happen on your watch? The House passed the Shield Act last year and ‘ol Harry (Senate Majority Leader Reid) is sitting on it!

This is not a partisan issue! You and your family, as well as those of us in Montana, would suffer as much as anyone. If it happened today and you had no heat, no lights, no refrigeration, no electric trolleys or trains, and that situation lasted for years because the infrastructure cannot be replaced quickly, what would happen? Would your family starve, freeze, be killed by the mobs who will be scavenging for food after the stores run out? If the electric pumps that supply Washington, D.C. with water went down for lack of electricity, would you and your family survive? If the refineries could not make diesel or gasoline, many of us would be unable to even cut firewood, or go search for it!

I would suggest that you read a book, (a novel, but based on fact), titled ‘One Second After.’ It depicts a nuclear EMP and the aftermath. Pretty scary!

Please take the time to become more informed and push for the Shield Act!

Thank You

Robert Pierson,

Trout Creek

Error in MI

I would like to thank the Independent for giving front page coverage last week to the efforts of Superior’s volunteer firefighters. Unfortunately, there was one error in the article that I feel needs to be corrected. I do not know if this was a typo or if I was unclear when I spoke with your reporter but the total number of volunteers who responded, including those standing by at our fire hall, was 17, 10 more than the seven reported.

John Woodland,

Chief Superior Volunteer Fire Department