Friday, March 14, 2025

New hospital budget eliminates six positions

| January 8, 2014 1:37 PM

MINERAL COUNTY - Like Community Medical Center and St. Patrick’s Hospital recently, Mineral Community Hospital in Superior is laying off some employees.

Mineral Community Hospital interim CEO Larry Putnam announced today the elimination of six out of 65 positions at the Critical Access Hospital effective January 1st.

“Like the larger hospitals in Missoula, Mineral Community Hospital faces decreased demand for medical services. Although revenue is 61/2 million dollars a year, the hospital provided care to fewer patients than expected the last five months and experienced an operating loss. In December, our Leadership Team completed a line-by-line review of every hospital expense including supplies, contracted services and positions to come up with a balanced budget going forward.

Unfortunately, this belt-tightening budget resulted in the elimination of six positions. It was very, very difficult for me to have to tell those employees their jobs were gone.”

Putnam said three management and three support positions were eliminated. None involved direct patient care.

“I’ve had a few questions recently from folks in Mineral County asking how they can help the hospital. My answer is always the same. Use the hospital. We have great ER, inpatient, nursing home, assisted living and physical therapy facilities and staff. We have excellent lab and imaging services including state-of-the-art CT, mammography, ultrasound and MRI equipment and techs. If your kids or grandkids need ear tubes or a tonsillectomy, we have a wonderful Ear-Nose and Throat surgery program. We don’t do brain surgery in Superior. But please support the high-quality primary care and Ear, Nose & Throat surgery services we offer in Mineral County. If you do that, the hospital will improve financially.”