Friday, March 14, 2025

Surprise farewell party for Brinson a success

by Aimee Miller/Valley Press
| January 8, 2014 1:04 PM

PLAINS - Former Mayor Michael Brinson was honored for his years of service to the town Monday, Dec. 30 at the VFW with a surprise party. The entire town was invited to come thank Brinson and to eat cake provided by the Butcher’s Nook. The atmosphere was jovial as the shocked Brinson walked in escorted by police.

“It was a real surprise,” Brinson said. “I could not figure out why Frank had to take me to the office tonight.”

Brinson was immediately seated in front of his former co-workers and friends. Party organizer Earl Edrington placed his hand on Brinson’s shoulder and began his speech.

“Mayor, we tried to get your employees to fill us in on some of your embarrassing moments during your reign but they wouldn’t,” Edrington said with a laugh. “You’ve got some good employees here.”

Edrington continued his speech with yet another joke.

“We appreciate Michael stepping up and running for mayor eight years ago. He had his four years then we made a mistake and let him run four more years,” he said.

After the jesting was put aside, Edrington continued by praising Brinson.

“He was an honest individual. He was not a crooked politician,” he said. “Michael has been a good mayor and we appreciate everything he has done.”

Brinson responded to all the thanks with modesty saying city council members are the ones that make things happen. His job was to make sure everyone came to work each day and did their jobs.

Then Brinson jokingly added that it was his job to take the blame when things went wrong and that Mayor Greg Eitelberg will now have that honor.

After the toasts, Brinson was given two parting gifts. He received a framed picture of Plains and his gavel.

It had been widely known in the office that Brinson wished to take his gavel with him as a memento of nearly a decade serving the town. It was no easy task keeping it from him until the party.

“It was funny, he was looking for that gavel all day. He asked me several times where it was and I kept telling him I did not know,” Town Clerk Cathy Emmett said with a laugh. “I had him thinking he was crazy all day.”

In the end Brinson did receive his prized gavel as a parting gift and the surprise party was a success, despite the secret almost being ruined multiple times.

The party was announced in the paper so the whole town knew they were invited, so it was important that Brinson not see that particular part of the Valley Press. Mayor Eitelberg had been reading the paper in front of Brinson without realizing the party announcement was facing towards him.

“Everyone in the office was saying way to ruin the surprise…but Mike did not have a clue. He was in a daze,” Mayor Eitelberg said.

Thankfully the party went without a hiccup and the community members got the opportunity to thank their mayor for his service.

Brinson plans to spend his retirement traveling with his wife Shirley.