Dixon Senior News
Take some breaks this summer, and join us for lunch or dinner at the Dixon Senior Center. No fuss, good food, great price! Meals are at 6 pm on Monday nights and at noon on Thursdays. Take-outs are available, and all ages are welcome. It’s a good place to bring visitors. The July menu will be:
Thur Jul 3 Tilapia (fish), macaroni salad
Mon. Jul 7 Beef enchilada
Thur Jul 10 Brunch for lunch--farmers’ casserole
Mon Jul 21 Cabbage stew, dumplings
Thur Jul 24 Tuna Salad, 3 bean salad
Take a trip to one of our area’s Farmers Markets for homegrown veggies and fruits which will be ripening. The word is that the Dixon Melons are doing great!
I hope you had a fine time on July 4th. So much to see and do this time of year! And, sure enough, the proper weather came back. I did appreciate Mother Nature’s watering so much this spring, as my sprinkler system was not behaving.
Martha Swonson, Secretary
Dixon Senior Center