Wednesday, February 26, 2025

MCCF announces scholarships

| July 2, 2014 1:09 PM

MINERAL COUNTY - For the past 14 years, the Mineral County Community Foundation (MCCF) has provided college tuition scholarships to selected graduating seniors from the county. To receive a scholarship, a graduate must submit an application which is reviewed by the MCCF Board. Decisions of who will be awarded a scholarship are based on five factors; (1) overall character, (2) leadership qualities, (3) community service, (4) scholastic achievement and (5) extracurricular activities.

This year three $500 scholarships were awarded; one to a graduate of each of the county’s three high schools. Additionally a $1,000 scholarship was awarded to an “outstanding” graduate from the county.

The MCCF Board is pleased to announce the winners of the $500 scholarships. All three will continue their higher education at the University of Montana.


Dallas plans on pursuing a degree in education and ultimately become a teacher. He wants to “give back to his community by helping to lead and mold the new generation’s lives in a positive and healthy way.” Growing up with four younger siblings, Dallas feels he has the experience to be a good mentor.


Delani has plans to become a Speech-Language Pathologist. She comments that “attending Alberton School has taught me to evaluate life and now I want to become an instrumental member of society.” Delani wants to use her expertise “to bring about constructive change, and create a path to the good life.”


Heather has “thought of becoming a high school math teacher for quite some time. It is so exciting that someday I will be able to teach young students the skills they will carry throughout their lives. It will take hard work, dedication and responsibility but I feel fully prepared.”

CONGRATULATIONS TO ANDREW LOMMEN OF ALBERTON – WINNER OF THE $1000 SCHOLARSHIP  Although all scholarship winners were strong in the five awarding factors, Andrew’s impressive combination of academic achievement, school and community involvement as well as entrepreneurial spirit and future educational goals earned him the largest scholarship award. Andrew states that “he took his role as leader in school very seriously. I have tried to steer younger students the right direction not only athletically but also academically.” Andrew with attend Montana State University in Bozeman for his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering. His career goals are to work in the automotive, marine or aerospace industry.

“Congratulations to the winners. We wish you all the best as you begin your higher education studies this fall. Your scholarships were made possible because of generous financial gifts to your county foundation by individuals, businesses, corporations, etc. throughout Mineral County,” said Maggy Bailey, treasurer of MCCF.

“As more gifts are received and the county foundation grows, we will be able to provide larger scholarships as well as support more generously other county causes since every dollar given to MCCF ultimately benefits people of all ages throughout Mineral County,” Bailey said.