Friday, March 14, 2025

An update from Rep. Ingraham

| July 24, 2014 2:42 PM

In 2009 the Montana Legislature implemented the Emergency Medical Services Grant Program to help emergency medical service providers in many of Montana’s rural areas.  The rural providers found they have difficulty in funding the community based services which are a critical component of Montana’s health care system.  

The rural nature of Montana makes the delivery of emergency medical services extremely challenging.  Long distances to trauma centers coupled with community response teams relying on trained volunteers made the challenge even greater.  In addition to challenges of distance, manpower, training and equipment needs, funding to properly equip trained volunteers in Montana falls on communities and local governments, who at times are not able to adequately meet those needs.

The purpose of the Emergency Medical Services Grant Program is to help communities, by providing competitive grants to mostly volunteer emergency medical service providers to help them acquire or lease ambulances or emergency response vehicles; for purchasing equipment, other than routine medical supplies; or for any of the following purposes: training, communication and providing medical care to a patient.

The Emergency Medical Services Grant Program is administered by the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT).  Since 2009, through this program the MDT and local communities have invested more than $5.4 million to improve emergency medical response.

The Emergency Medical Services Grant program as administrated by the MDT operates on a state fiscal year (July 1-June 30).  Funding for this grant program is provided for through the MDT appropriation of one million dollars each year from the highway non-restricted account and a 10 percent match from grant recipients for any grant funds that they received.

With the most recent fiscal year coming to an end on June 30, 2014, new Emergency Medical Services grant applications are currently being accepted for state fiscal year 2015 funds.  Applications must be received or postmarked by September 5th, 2014.

For more information regarding this EMS Grant Program, interested parties can contact Chad Newman at 444-0856 or at: .  Or you can access the grant information by going to:

To our amazing emergency medical service providers and countless volunteers, whose dedication, commitment and willingness to put others needs before their own, you are our unsung heroes and I thank you!

Now it is your turn to “Keep in Touch” by contacting me regarding your questions or concerns. I can be reached via e-mail at, or call me at 827-4652 or by mail at P.O. Box 1151, Thompson Falls, Montana 59873.