Friday, March 14, 2025

Senior news

| June 13, 2014 3:29 PM


Let’s hear it for the rains of spring! If you’re not flooding, you probably appreciate them. I like a gradual approach to the summer heat. Having grown up in Seattle and Juneau, Alaska, I love that W. MT rains don’t go on for days (or weeks), and the flowers just thrive! My peonies are at their peak, and bleeding hearts are on the way out. It’s time to fill in with so many choices of annual plants and herbs available in many places nearby. I am hopefully going to plant my favorite cherry tomatoes (Sun Gold) this weekend.  Surely we are out of frost!

The Dixon Sr. Center was the place to be last Tuesday, as the election headquarters for our area. It was my first time as one of the election judges--a good opportunity to enjoy community service while meeting old friends and realizing how many more people are “out there” that I’d never known. Fellow seniors, Delene Tufly, Connie Boyd and Mary Cole (younger generation) manned the polls for the duration, learning what goes on and why, to enable us to vote. Thanks to those who took advantage of this privilege.

With comings and goings of visitors, remember the Dixon Senior Center is available for evening meals at 6 p.m. on Mondays and lunch every Thursday. All ages are welcome to come for a delicious meal, and NO cleanup.  Here’s the coming menu:

Thurs June 12    Brunch for lunch--Country style omelets, pancakes, fruit

Mon   June 16     Meal loaf

Thurs June 19    Tuna casserole

Mon   June 23     Baked ham

Thurs June 26    Spaghetti

Mon    June 30   Teriyaki Chicken

Diane usually serves a home-made bread, dessert, veggies and fruit with meals

Our center is also available for rent for your family get togethers, receptions, graduations, etc.  Call the center for information-- 246-3310.

Enjoy the spring, there’s always lots going on...invite someone to go with you, or invite yourself!

Martha Cole Jenkins,


Thompson Falls

Hi!  I congratulated you Plains folks on your girls’ track team last week, but, kudos to your girls’ softball team, as well!


Thurs., 6/12      Dinner at 6:00 is Breakfast for Dinner

Tues., 6/17       Lunch at Noon is Pot Pie

Thurs., 6/19      Dinner at 6:00 is Roast

Tues., 6/24       Lunch at Noon is Lasagna

Thurs., 6/26      Dinner at 6:00 is Swiss Steak

I’ll be back in touch in early July.

Jane Ward,
