Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Plains School Board talks money

by Justyna Tomtas/Valley Press
| March 5, 2014 12:23 PM

PLAINS – At the monthly school board meeting, money was high on the chain of topics as the Plains School Board discussed a new grant the school received, approved three salary increases and paid dues to the Montana School Board Association.

The meeting kicked off with public comment. Paula Snyder and Linda Hohenstein expressed their concerns about a presentation that was denied by the school board. The two wanted a slot on the agenda to present information on both the Smarter Balance assessment and Common Core.

Chairman Ron Warren said the two would be more than welcome to submit their information to the board for review.

Hohenstein requested information from the school board on the costs to implement Common Core for the Plains School District, the projective costs for five years and also asked when testing would be administered.

As the meeting continued, Head Cross Country Coach Tony Banovich took the floor to congratulate some student athletes. He submitted the student’s grades to the Montana High School Association and the girls were ranked second in the state.

“They were third as a team on the athletic side and second academically with a 3.788,” Banovich said.

The boys cross country team had a GPA of 3.43 but did not make the top three. He also gave a shout out to three members who were inducted into the National Honor Society. With the addition of those three, five members of the team are now in the National Honor Society.

“I always like to let you know how pleased I am and how proud I am of them, how proud you guys should be that we’ve got these great student athletes,” Banovich said.

Superintendent Thom Chisholm reported that Plains Shop Teacher Kyle Mitchell received a silviculture grant of almost $8,000. Chisholm defined silviculture as forest management of growth, composition and health of a quality forest to meet diversified needs and values of a community.

The grant came from the Plum Creek Quality Classrooms and will allow the classroom to purchase a Wood-Mizer Saw Mill. The class will be able to go out to the school properties and retrieve lumber, mill it and put it into products in the wood shop.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun,” Chisholm said. “Congratulations to Mr. Mitchell – he pulled off another one.”

After a presentation from Counselor Tyrell Allen on his trip to Washington D.C. to attend a seminar and the progress of his master’s degree that is currently underway, Chisholm provided the board with an update on the elementary classroom construction project.

Everything is still on schedule for the expansion and Western Interstate was hoping to get an earlier start on the project than originally thought.

“They wanted to know if they could start ahead of the March 17th start date and if Mother Nature allows us, they intend on being here as early as Monday (March 3) to get started,” Chisholm said. “It’s here, it’s happening - we are ready to go.”

The board approved three salary increases for the superintendent position as well as both elementary and high school principals.

The salary increase for Superintendent Thom Chisholm was $2,000 for the next school year and his contract was also extended a year to make it effective through June 2016.

Both Jim Holland and Larry McDonald received a $1,500 increase for the next school year.

Chisholm did state that if needed to, the increases can be renegotiated if they do not fit into the final budget.

The board also approved over $4,000 in dues to the Montana School Board Association. The association provides free or inexpensive trainings the board frequently uses as well as trustee insurance.

Warren said by paying the fees, the board is saving $7,000 annually just on the educational services they offer.

Everyone agreed the benefits outweighed the cost and the membership was renewed.

The school election date is set for May 6, 2014 and three trustees are up for reelection including Warren, Sydne Connolly and Lisa French. Petitions are available from Clerk Ginny Holland in the office and are due by March 27.

Annawyn Griffin was hired on as Head Volleyball Coach and the board also accepted Greg Newton’s resignation, which will be effective at the end of the school year.

The next school board meeting will be on Monday, March 17 at 7 p.m.