Thursday, March 06, 2025

Trotter Thompson trains tirelessly

by Aimee Miller/Valley Press
| March 19, 2014 1:32 PM

PLAINS – Whether she is just leaving practice, walking to the park with a ball in hand or watching ESPN, sports are never far from the mind of sophomore Leah Thompson. With volleyball, basketball, softball and track, Thompson has a full plate all year round. This week is the beginning of her busiest time as Thompson balances two spring sports.

Before track and softball seasons kick off, Thompson describes what has happened so far this school year.

Autumn brought with it one of Thompson’s favorite sports, volleyball. The girls had a successful season and got further than the team had in several years.

“We made it to Divisionals this year which was the first time in seven years I think,” Thompson said. “We played pretty well our first game but by the second game we just lost it.”

Thompson’s favorite position is the middle blocker position. She said she would rather block than anything else. She and teammate Lily Huenik get into friendly blocking wars.

Thompson has always been a sports fanatic for as long as she can remember. It is difficult for her to choose a favorite.

“I love them all,” Thompson said. “I have always had a love for basketball but volleyball is starting to climb up on it.”

When volleyball season came to an end Thompson jumped right into basketball, her first love.

The Trotters greatly improved from last year. Before, they were defeated by Thompson Falls and eliminated early on in Divisionals. This year they made it to Semi-State. Despite this, Thompson thought the season ended too quickly.

Thompson said this year was a ton of fun. Part of the reason for that was the new-found camaraderie among the girls.

“We got along a lot better than the last couple of years,” Thompson said. “You know how a team is supposed to be like a family? Well it felt more like a family this year than last year. We didn’t really care about the drama. We just cared about playing basketball.”

The future looks bright for the Trotters. They had no senior players this year so the same team should return next season with new additions.

According to Thompson, the Trotters will be getting three or four new girls and one of them will be her little sister who is already north of six foot.

But first, the Trotters have the spring season of softball and track to get through. Thompson manages to play both. She is the first baseman for the softball team and sometimes pitches. For track and field, Thompson throws shot put, discus and javelin. Balancing the two sports can be a lot to handle but Thompson has grown fond of the work.

“It is a little hectic to go from track practice and leave a little early to go to softball practice and then be late for that,” Thompson said. “It takes a little bit to get used to but then after the first three weeks you have the schedule down. Then when they skip practices sometimes I’m like I don’t know what to do!”

In the event of a scheduling conflict, Thompson already has her priorities straight. She will choose the track meet over the softball game because she believes she has more of a passion and talent for track. Still, she hopes to play in as many softball games as she is able.

Last year, the softball team made it to Divisionals and Thompson believes they can do so again.

“I know Florence lost a whole bunch of seniors and they were the best team in our conference so you never know,” Thompson said.

Thompson, the Trotters and the community of Plains have high hopes for the former State Champion track team to keep the title.

“I think we are going to do well this year. Kayla Holmes and I throw and we have Hailey Phillips for hurdles. We also have Nicole, Kimmy and Demi,” Thompson said.

Thompson has so much confidence in her team that she wondered if there was enough space on the gym wall for the other State Championship banners.

Success only comes with hard work. Thompson understands this and intends to work at improving her athletic skills all year round.

This summer, she plans on completing the 10,000 Shot Club to prepare for the next basketball season. It is a training regimen meant to help players improve their shooting statistics.

“I want to do the 10,000 Shot Club this summer. It’s a piece of paper that goes through all the shots that you have to do,” Thompson said. “You have to make 300 [baskets] a day and over the course of time it gets easier so you can do more.”

Thompson’s ultimate goal is to continue in athletics after high school. She said she would love to play college sports but cannot decide which one. She loves volleyball, basketball and track and would be happy doing any one or more in college.

“I probably want to go out of state even though my mom doesn’t think it is a good idea. I think it would be fun,” Thompson said. “My dream schools would probably be either BYU in Utah or Duke University.”