Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Alberton School District elections approaching

| March 26, 2014 7:18 PM

ALBERTON - Important information for Alberton School District voters for the Tuesday, May 6, 2014 School Election:

• Voting will take place on Tuesday, May 6 from noon to 8:00 p.m. in the Math Room of the Alberton High School.

• There are four School Board Trustee positions on the ballot.

• The school district is asking you, the voters, to approve a Building Reserve Tax Levy for the purposes of replacing building roofs and updating the heating systems in our buildings over the next 5+ years.

o The Elementary School roof is in the worst condition and needs to be replaced within the next year or two.  The gym and high school roofs will also need replacing in the near future.

o The oil-fired steam heating system and controls in the elementary school and gym are in need of major repair to keep the buildings warm during the heating season and energy efficient for the long term.

o The electric heating units in the high school are currently working, but are old and inefficient.  A long term plan needs to be developed and implemented for updating the entire system.

**The voting public of the Alberton School District is invited to a public informational meeting about the May 6 school election on Monday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the lunchroom of the Alberton Elementary School.  A tour of the buildings will follow the meeting.

***If you are not registered to vote, voter registration forms are available in the high school office and must be in to the Mineral or Missoula County Offices by April 7 in order to be eligible to vote on May 6.  Please stop by to pick one up at school or at either county court house.  

***For more information about the May 6, 2014 school election, please contact Clay Acker, superintendent at 722-4133, ext. 254 or at 214-0814.