Monday, February 24, 2025

Letter to the Editor "No freedom or liberty" - March 26

| March 26, 2014 5:05 PM


Carl Haywood wrote an interesting editorial. He stated that ‘republicans and democrats used to work together when facing threats to freedom and liberty’ (emphasis mine).

I disagree! I would say that democrats have almost never worked for freedom or liberty. (There are a lot of republicans that I can say that about, also.) Case in point (or two). Democrat Governor Bullock vetoed a Bill last session that would have given an incentive to a gunpowder manufacturer to relocate to Montana. Does that promote freedom and liberty?

Democrat President Obama ordered Secretary of State John Kerry to sign the U.N. Small Arms Treaty (which barely failed in the Senate). The Treaty would require that an International gun registry and database be put in place. Would that promote freedom and liberty?

Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted wage controls during WWII. Does that promote freedom and liberty?

Democrats are not solely to blame. The actual culprit is the Progressive movement in this country. There are progressives in the republican party also, but they are not so blatant about it. Republicans like Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Boehner and others. We could even name a local State House member that votes progressive most of the time. Progressivism is destroying the once free society that we had in this country. This is why I believe that we must be very aware of whom we are voting for, if progressivism is not what we want, and we should make every effort to be at all the public forums. Ask pointed questions, demand that they answer the questions you ask and not allow them to spin it into a non-answer. Vote in the primary! This is where you actually have a choice of candidates, not the one chosen for you by the few who do vote in the primary (the die hard believers of each party).

Remember, the more you allow government to grow, the less freedom you have, because there are always strings attached!!

Samuel Adams once said “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our Countrymen!”

Robert Pierson,

Trout Creek