Friday, February 28, 2025

Halpop retires after 25 years with MSU Extension Agency

by Alex Violo/Valley Press
| May 9, 2014 3:33 PM

THOMPSON FALLS - On Wednesday, April 31, John Halpop ended his long tenure as an agent for the Montana State University Extension in Sanders County. 

From March of 1989 through the end of April 2014, Halpop had worked around Sanders County, providing his expertise and knowledge to the county’s residents. 

This expertise and knowledge were put to the test over Halpop’s 25-year career by the diverse terrain and environments found throughout Sanders County. Portions of the county near the Idaho line receive one of the highest annual rates of precipitation in the state, while Niarada and Lonepine are some of the driest places in Montana. 

65 members of the community filled the Sanders County courtroom to capacity, to see Halpop off and wish him well in his future endeavors. 

The ceremony for the veteran MSU Extension agent was kicked off by a trio of moustached musicians, who serenaded Halpop with a trio of cowboy classics. The singers concluded with the classic, “Happy Trails,” which many members of the crowd joined in with to help the guitar totting cowboys with fake mustaches finish their performance.     

The ceremony continued as co-workers and friends gave short speeches about Halpop’s time in Sanders County and presented the new retiree with various gifts. Some of the presents included a cheesehead, noting Halpop’s Wisconsin origins, and luggage for his travels in retirement. 

There was a brief pause in the ceremony as an attendee presented a spider, confined within a glass case, to Halpop, and jokingly asked the outgoing Halpop to identify the species in question, as the time was seven minutes before 5 p.m. and he was technically not retired yet. 

Following the comedic intermission, Steve Siegelin, the Western Region Department Head for the Montana State University Extension continued the ceremony, presenting Halpop with a blanket from Montana State, a traditional gift for outgoing members of the department. 

Siegelin also noted Halpop’s commitment to the community as  he wrapped up his speech.

“He loves to help people, he loves to help you,” Siegelin said.

Before those in attendance broke for cake and refreshments Halpop took the opportunity to thank those in attendance and everyone he had worked with over the years. 

Halpop expressly thanked the Sanders County Board of Commissioners for helping him through all the years they had worked together. 

Halpop closed his remarks by relating his first experience in Sanders County following his interview for the position he would go on to hold for the next quarter century. 

Retelling the story, Halpop noted as he drove away from the interview he thought of how he would do better in his next interview. Nevertheless, he must have done a pretty good job in the original proceedings as he was offered the  job. 

“I had no idea when I first came up here I would still be here 25 years later,” said John Halpop.