Friday, March 14, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Another bites the dust

| May 9, 2014 2:49 PM

While attending the April 21, 2014 School Board Meeting, I learned that:

After only two years of employment, an English teacher is denied a contract renewal with the Plains School District. Why? From what I understand; she loves her job, she loves her students, she wants her job, she is good at her job, and most importantly, her students learn from her.

How can the school be starting construction of a $1,150,000.00 new building through the Quality School Grant Project, which is administered by the Montana Department of Quality,” (Reference: Clark Fork Valley Press, March 19, 2014) yet release an English teacher, who is also certified to teach Spanish? Don’t colleges require high school students to have a foreign language?

When referencing quality, what will happen to the English classes? Will the classroom numbers double? What demands will the potential loss of this teacher create for the students and the other teacher(s)?

How will Spanish, the second most commonly spoken language in America, a much needed and beneficial language be taught? On computers, without teacher interaction or feedback?

May 12, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library, the Plains School Board will decide the fate of another, yes, another excellent, enthusiastic, and hard working teacher whose predecessor, Mrs. Morey, was also released roughly after two years of employment. Why was Mrs. Morey released?

Do you want to know the events that are taking place in our school? What is the financial situation of Plains School District? Why has the school asked repeatedly over the past few years for, and desperately needs, a levy passed? Is the town of Plains willing to forfeit a quality education for their youth, who are our future? If you are concerned about this and other issues affecting the town’s youth, i.e. the loss of teachers, common core standards and requirements, please attend the board meeting(s), call board members, call the superintendent and ask questions.

Polly Gill,
