Friday, March 14, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Conservative values

| May 9, 2014 2:50 PM

I have been in construction for over twenty years. I have been a conservative Republican my entire life. And, I”d like to say this to HD-13 Candidate, “Fajita” Bob Brown, “Thanks for running for office, I know how hard it must be to juggle your own construction business and campaign. You’ve got my vote”.

I don’t know either Republican candidate personally, but I’ve researched both of them. Katy Walton was a California teacher and Caltrans employee (California transportation, a huge, bloated government agency). To choose to live and work for decades in a bankrupt State known for high taxes, welfare to illegal aliens, and liberal Schools shows a world view that’s wrong for Montana.

“Fajita” Bob, alternatively, has spent 20 years in Sanders County running his own construction business, dishing out fajitas every year at the Huckleberry Festival as a fund raiser for his Church, has been a Coach for the Schools, and spent 3 years working with at-risk teens. And, he’s shown up at the fund raisers in Heron for Veterans and for the Sheriff’s Relief Fund.

“Fajita” Bob’s economic focus is opening up the forests and passing legislation to advance the construction industry and its technology-driven products, such as cross-laminated timber. This would create real jobs with good wages in the forests, in the mills, and in construction. Katy’s focus is to spend money on walking bridges and an obscure tourist website, and to compete with our Schools to issue GEDs and teach basic computer use. Bob creates jobs and pays taxes. Katy creates agencies and squanders taxes.

Katy Walton can spell “Republican” but she doesn’t understand the conservative values we stand for. “Fajita” Bob has lived and worked advancing the Conservative platform he’ll be voting on as our next Representative in Helena.

David Hipple,
