Thursday, March 06, 2025

Alberton holds forum in lieu of primary election

by Adam Randall/Mineral Independent
| May 15, 2014 4:50 PM

ALBERTON – The first of many candidate forums took place at the Alberton Elementary School cafeteria on May 7, giving each of the running parties a chance to hopefully collect voters. 

Candidates for Mineral County sheriff, justice of the peace and county commissioner took turns being asked questions by the moderator. 

The two and a half hour event had to be carefully timed so each candidate would have a chance to speak his or her mind. At the end of the predetermined list of questions, audience members were allowed to ask questions by filling out an index card and handing it off to the moderator.

People were invited to indulge in the refreshments, which included water, coffee and cookies of at least three different varieties. 

Not every question could be asked, but the top four audience questions were asked to each candidate from their prospective categories. 

“All answers must be kept under two minutes,” said Maria Ibarbia Jarnevic. 

The top question for the sheriff candidates was how they were going to improve policing in the Alberton area, which people claim is often neglected because the town is situated towards the end of the county. The sheriffs department budgets a minimum of 80 hours a month to go to the Alberton area.

People would also like response times improved to 911 calls, where officers are slow to arrive at the scene or sometimes don’t even respond at all, which was a question asked on one of the index cards. 

Commissioner candidates were asked how they were going to improve the economy and whether not a raise in taxes is warranted. Each candidate had his or her own ideas as far as bringing more work to the county.

One thought that a brand new manufacturing facility would turn things around, and provide a much-sought product, according to the candidate. 

Those running are almost out of time as the primaries are quickly approaching June 3. Even though this vote is labeled the ‘primaries,’ the sheriff and county commissioner position will be decided on June 3. Only the justice of peace moves on to the final election in November. 

The county is already distributing absentee ballots with some being returned. These types of ballots are generally made available to senior citizens or those not able to make it to the polls on Election Day. Desired absentee voters usually have to apply for the special ballot, which is mailed in advance of the election. 

This is because those candidates are only running against each other as republicans. If one republican and one democrat came out of the primaries, then a final election would be warranted. Since that is not possible, a decision will be made before then. 

None of the candidates attacked each other with verbal jabs, as each question was more centered on personal beliefs and experiences. 

Depending on the next moderators, this format may change slightly. 

The next candidate forums will focus on the west end of the county making stops in St. Regis and wrapping up in DeBorgia at the historic schoolhouse.