Monday, October 07, 2024

Mineral County seat belt enforcement hits high gear

by Juli Balenger/Mineral County Buckle Up MT
| May 15, 2014 4:31 PM

HELENA – Almost 50 law enforcement agencies across the state are adding patrols for the “Click It, Don’t Risk It” high-intensity traffic enforcement period May 19 through June 1. 

Motorists throughout Montana should be aware of heightened enforcement. 

The national seat belt campaign is timed to reach motorists as the summer travel season begins around Memorial Day. 

Increased seat belt use is key to preventing crash deaths and injuries—especially among teens and young adults. 

People age 15 to 29 accounted for 40 percent of the severe injuries and 26 percent of the fatalities resulting from motor vehicle crashes in Montana in 2012. 

Those age 18 to 25 are the group with the highest fatality crash rate in Montana over the last ten years—a rate fueled by the fact that 85 percent of the fatalities in this age group were not wearing a seat belt, or not wearing it properly, at the time of their crash. 

Overtime patrols for traffic safety enforcement are funded by the Montana Department of Transportation. 

High-visibility enforcement is one of the overall strategies employed in Montana’s Vision Zero—working together to eliminate deaths and injuries on Montana roadways. 

In addition to enforcement, Vision Zero also emphasizes education, engineering of safer roads, and support for emergency medical response. 

“Increased seat belt use is the single factor that could save lives right now,” said Jim Smith, executive director of the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (MSPOA). 

Members of MSPOA will be participating in Click It, Don’t Risk It enforcement at the county level all across the state. 

“Every driver in Montana should insist that everyone in the vehicle buckle up—and not just because the driver doesn’t want a ticket. They should do it because they have a responsibility to their passengers,” said Smith.   

MSPOA agencies participating in the added enforcement include: Beaverhead, Blaine, Custer, Fergus, Garfield, Glacier, Granite, Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Petroleum, Richland, Rosebud, Sanders, sweet Grass and Valley counties, as well as the police departments in Glasgow, Miles City and Troy.

Mineral County Sheriff’s Office will add overtime shifts both day and night to focus on seat belt enforcement. 

“A lot of crashes in Montana occur on local roads in rural areas,” said Under Sheriff Mike Boone. “A crash at only 12 miles an hour can be fatal. We’ll be giving out tickets and reminding people to buckle up, every trip, every time.”

Boone reminded everyone that serious accidents can happen in slow areas.

“Most of Montana’s vehicle fatalities occur in rural areas,” said Under Sheriff Mike Boone.  “A lot of them are single-vehicle rollovers, where a seat belt is the primary factor that makes a difference between life and death. Our officers have responded to those crashes—so they don’t mind putting in the extra hours to give out tickets and remind people to buckle up, every trip, every time. A seat belt keeps you in position where your vehicle’s safety systems protect you.”