Friday, March 14, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Team Walton

| May 21, 2014 12:48 PM

I am a member of TeamWalton, a group of dedicated people who believe in Katy Walton and are working to help elect her as State Rep–HD 13. When Katy first asked if I would be part of her team I was reluctant because as a geologist running a full time business building educational rock and mineral collections, I did not feel I had the time; that and the fact I did not know much about Katy.

I finally agreed and am so pleased I did. For the past three months I have spent numerous hours and hundreds of miles traveling with Katy. The woman has an incredible energy level, which is why she needed a team, no one person can keep up with her. Many of you have met Katy at your senior centers, in your school board meetings, at her meet and greets, and through her door-to-door campaign.

What few know is the time Katy and I have spent meeting with people related to the forest industry from US forest personnel to mill owners, logging associations and loggers. In each instance Katy asked about their concerns and how she might help. All agreed our National Forests are in sad shape, logging for a small operator is all but non-existent and when sales do come up they are protested to the point the timber becomes worthless. Beyond this, their ideas for solving the problems ran from one end of the gamut to the other. All agreed it took years to create the current conditions of the forests and it will take decades to fix them.

We spent time at the major mining sites here and in Troy. We discussed issues like ore hauling, tailings dumps, the amount of time it has taken to get plan approvals and environmental safeguards that will be a concern if and when the Rock Creek Mine becomes operational. Katy has also spent time with those who do not want to see a mine developed here and would prefer the area be left pristine.

She has been in meetings with medical personnel and business owners about Obamacare and how it affects them. She has met with parents and educators about Common Core and learned about their concerns. She has already begun to form strategic plans for workable solutions in these areas. Katy is also looking at ways to develop the infrastructure for telecommunications. Without it, businesses will not be attracted to our communities nor will our young people stay.

One of Katy’s greatest assets is her ability to find money to help fund projects that create jobs. She has a proven record for finding grants that have brought tens of thousands of dollars into Sanders County. At a state level We the People of HD-13 will be competing with the rest of the Montana districts for project funding like roads and schools. What a boon it will be to have Katy representing us. Katy knows that if elected she will need to represent ALL of the people in her district. To find balance between conflicting, wide-ranging views will be no easy task.

There are two issues of concern we often heard as we visited with voters. The first is a State takeover of Federal Lands. The second is the Water Compact. At the State level two bi-partisan interim committees will be drafting final recommendations about how to resolve these issues to be presented at the next legislative session. Katy has been listening closely to the arguments presented by both sides on these issues. As your new Representative Katy will be prepared to enter the fray.

Remember our State Rep only has the first 4 months of their two-year term to effect any meaningful change. We need a person who can hit the ground running if we hope to realize any positive benefits from their tenure. Katy is already on the ground learning our needs and developing plans. Katy Walton is the best candidate for our next State Representative–HD 13.

Linda Haywood,

Thompson Falls