Friday, March 14, 2025

Booster clubs benefit from sports physicals

by Alex Violo/Valley Press
| May 30, 2014 12:05 PM

PLAINS – In an effort to give back to local athletes, Clark Fork Valley Hospital has donated 100 percent of their proceeds from sports physicals to local booster clubs.

According to Marketing and Community Relations Coordinator Tonya Revier, the hospital will donate $4,300 as part of their Student Athlete Sports Physical Program.

Revier explained that 100 percent of the funds collected from any of the sports physicals completed at CFVH, or their Family Medicine Network offices, are donated back to the booster clubs at the end of the school year.

In the third year of the program, the hospital hopes to see the program continue to grow throughout the years to come.

“In an attempt to give back to our community and promote health and wellness amongst our local youth, CFVH has committed to donate $25, the cost of a student sports physical, directly to the booster club of their choice (limited to Sanders County schools) when they have their physical done at one of our healthcare facilities,” Revier said.

This year all four booster clubs were able to reap the rewards with Plains Booster Club receiving the most, garnishing $1,700 in donated funds, while the Hot Springs Booster Club brought in $1,200. Thompson Falls Booster Club was donated $1,000, while the Noxon Booster Club received $450.

The payout comes at the end of the year, once no more student sports physicals roll through the door. So far the program has been catching on and this year the hospital was able to give back more than ever.

“I think after this last payout that we just did, people are really starting to catch on. We hope the program continues to go strong,” Revier said.

The hospital has funneled their efforts into the rather new program to help promote local youth athletics, something they believe is important in the community.

“We definitely see athletics as a positive thing, we’ve always supported the booster club,” Revier said. “We thought this would make a big splash.”

Most of the booster clubs throughout the area have big plans for the money.

According to Janet Bras, the treasurer for the Hot Springs Booster Club, the money will be split in a variety of different directions. It will go towards obtaining a new crow’s nest for the football field, securing a new scorer’s bench for officials to sit at and may also go towards obtaining new playground equipment for the school.

As for Noxon, Louis Chandler, the president of the booster club said the funds will either go to improve the speaker system on the football field, or will go towards put-in-cups, which is chain link fence art. The art is made out of a polypropylene plastic material and would most likely spell out the school’s name or show off the mascot.

Although Plains receives the most money, so far the booster club is unsure of what it will be used for. President of Plains Booster Club Sydne Connolly said it would most likely go towards post-season meals for when the athletes travel to tournaments. It may also go to help sponsor a pep bus if the interest is there.

Thompson Falls Booster Club was also unsure of what the money would go to.

Whatever the booster clubs use the money for, one thing is apparent. The funds will go to benefit the next generation of Sanders County athletes.