Wednesday, March 12, 2025

4-H members win big at Kalispell show

| October 17, 2014 5:47 PM

On September 12th five Sanders County 4-H Horse Project members began 3 days of intense competition in the Montana State 4-H Horse Show held at the Majestic Arena in Kalispell.  105 top winning 4-H riders from 23 counties from across Montana traveled to Kalispell for this highly competitive event.   This is the second consecutive year the event has been held in Kalispell.  Four of our county riders, Mahala Sweet, Marsada Sweet, Tanner Ovitt and Dariyan Sheehan are returning competitors from last year’s event.  As a new comer, Gabriella Pallister and her horse Whisper had lots of help from the more experienced (one year under their belt) members.  Stabling is provided on site.  Michele McGuigan, a Sanders County 4-H horse Leader and member of the State Horse Committee, provided transportation for some of the members and horses along will helpful assistance with show preparation.  

To prepare for Friday mornings Showmanship classes the horses must be washed and groomed to look their best.  The morning begins around 6AM, feeding animals, cleaning stalls and bathing horses in cross tie wash racks provided by the stable.  Touch up grooming and trimming is the last step before the class begins.  The morning of September 12th in Kalispell was about 26 degrees COLD.  Three of our BRAVE Sanders County Horseman, Gabriella Pallister with Whisper; Dariyan Sheehan with Dutchess; and Tanner Ovitt with George competed in the Showmanship Classes starting at 9AM.   Grooming and coaching assistance was provided by veterans, Mahala and Marsada Sweet.  Gabriella and Dariyan entered in Class 1 Junior Showmanship with 18 contestants, performed very well but did not place.  Showmanship classes are based on showing the horse from the ground while executing a memorized pattern of walking, trotting, turning, pivoting and setting up for inspection.  Judging is based on exact execution of the pattern, communication between horse and handler and (grooming) presentation.  Tanner Ovitt entered in Class 2 Intermediate Showmanship with 39 contestants, performed very well but also did not place.   A class of this size is split into 3 groups with the best of each group returning to compete in additional tasks often made up on site by the judge.  

Friday’s classes included Bareback Equitation held in the indoor arena with all of our Sanders County riders participating.  Equitation classes are performed on the rail (around the arena) at a walk, trot and lope (canter) both directions.  Riders are judged on their riding position and equestrian skills while transitioning from faster or slower gates or vice versa.  Gabriella (Whisper) and Dariyan (Dutchess) entered in Class 5 Junior Bareback Equitation with 14 participants did very well amid fierce competition and unfortunately did not place.   Marsada (Cali) and Tanner (George) entered Class 6 Intermediate Bareback Equitation with 30 participants did very well but did not place.  Tanner, competing this year with a new horse, George, who was having trouble getting used to the indoor P.A. system, expertly kept his mount moving around the arena.  Mahala (Ranger) entered Class 7 Senior Bareback Equitation with 23 participants did very well on her young (3yr) old steed but did not place.  Ranger needed to take in the new surroundings in preparation for his future performance.  The remainder of Friday’s show involved Ranch Horse competitions which we had no entries.  Our hardy competitors took time to rest, practice and plan for tomorrow’s events.  

Saturday, 9AM began the Western Horsemanship Class Levels 1 thru 7.  All Horsemanship Classes include patterns to be memorized by the contestants.  The patterns become increasingly difficult as the levels go up.   Gabriella (Whisper) entered Class 15 Western Horsemanship Level 2 with 20 participants.   Again, Gabriella did very well amid intense competition but did not place.  Good job sticking with it, Gabriella.  Next up Tanner (George) and Deriyan (Dutchess) entered Class 16 Western Horsemanship Level 3 with 23 contestants.  Again, both well done but no placings.  Deriyan and Dutchess making a good team did an admirable job amid tough competition.  George settled down with Tanner in control performed the pattern well making progress.  Class 17 Western Horsemanship Level 4 with 13 competitors brought in Marsada (Cali).  Again not placing but doing very well.  

As the indoor arena riding classes progressed, the outdoor arena accommodated all levels of Trail Classes.  Trail classes encompass a series of tasks to be performed such as opening and closing a gate, walking over a bridge, backing into a chute, walking or trotting over poles, side passing over a pole and completing the pattern exactly.  Competitors Gabriella (Whisper) and Dariyan (Dutchess) Junior Trail riding against 16 participants worked their horses through the course with Dariyan and Dutchess placing 8th.  Competitors Tanner (George) and Marsada (Cali) Intermediate Trail with 37 participants did well maneuvering through all the obstacles but did not place.  Competitor Mahala (Ranger) Senior Trial with 26 participants put Ranger through the course but no placing.  A big Trail Class win for Marsada (Jewels) in Colt to Maturity 3yr old with 11 participants taking 2nd place.  Jewels, a nice easy going three year old, does mostly what Marsada asks.

The indoor arena kept the pace going with the Western Equitation classes, rail work at a walk trot and lope.  Gabriella (Whisper) and Dariyan (Dutchess) worked hard, showing great improvement in this their last class of the show competing against 12 other riders in Junior Western Equitation.  No ribbons won, but great experience for these young riders.  The largest class for the weekend with 40 participants was Intermediate Western Equitation where Tanner (George) and Marsada (Cali) expertly worked their horses around the big arena.  George, finally settling in to this show stuff, giving Tanner a good ride but did not place.  Cali, after being off for a year from an injury, had plenty of energy, performing very well for Marsada but not placing.   Senior Western Equitation with 28 participants had Mahala (Ranger) working hard to come up with a ribbon, but it was not to be.  Ranger as a three year old in the Green Horse Project is a big grey “sweet heart”, ready to get up and go or take a break for some good petting. Note: Mahala as the senior member of the group can be nice, too.  They make a good pair.

Next up, now late afternoon, are the training project horses.  Again riding patterns must be memorized and executed perfectly to be considered for a placing.  The 3 Year Old Colt to Maturity and Green Horse Level 2 class of 7 very good riders put the Sweet sisters competing in the same class.  Mahala on Ranger hit the ribbons with an admirable 5th place.  Marsada on Jewels really took home the gold (blue) taking 1st place in a very tough class.  A big win for our Sanders County riders.  

For a little more fun and excitement the show includes a couple of popular horse and rider timed events, Barrel Racing and Pole Bending.  Masada back on Cali in Barrel Racing gave her horse a chance to expend some energy taking 4th place against a group of 14 riders.  Finally, finding his niche, George took Tanner for a ride through the barrels catching an 8th place ribbon for his final ride of the weekend.  

One of the most entertaining events of the weekend is the Free Style Reining competition held Friday evening.  In this performance the rider makes up their own pattern set to music.  The pattern must include certain maneuvers such as figure eights, lead changes, spins, roll backs, and side passing or two tracking.  Riders generally dress up in costume, including their horse, to fit the music.  The creativity is boundless.  Marsada with her 4th Level horse Cali decided to take on this task by riding to the music of the “Pink Panther”.  All decked out in pink and black they entered the arena to begin their routine.  Unfortunately Cali still had barrel racing on her mind and took a few minutes to settle before the music began.  Marsada expertly kept Cali on course and completed the performance taking a 5th place ribbon out of 11 riders.

Sunday is the day for English riders.  This year we had three English project riders in Sanders County Horse Projects of which two, Mahala and Marsada Sweet opted to show at the state level.   As with the Western classes the English riders must memorize a pattern which should be performed exactly to be in position for a ribbon placing.   Marsada on Cali competed in Level 3 English in a class of 15.  Cali still more interested in playing games than being calm and collected for the English class gained no ribbon this time but good experience in a new riding discipline.  Mahala on Ranger rode in the 3 Year Old Colt to Maturity\ Green Horse 2 competition with Ranger coming through as an English mount to take a 2nd place in a field of 4.  Competing in Junior English Equitation, Marsada (Cali) and Senior English Equitation, Mahala (Ranger) finished the weekend for all our riders.  Both did well in these rail work classes but did not place.  

That wraps up the year for the 4-H Horse projects.  Next year’s prospects are looking good for the Sanders County 4-H Horse Program.  We again hope to travel to the Montana State 4-H Horse Show next fall, but will have to travel a bit farther across the state.   If anyone is inclined to help these young people with travel expenses and entrée fees to compete at the state level next year, please let the local Sanders County Extension Office (827-6934) know how you would like to contribute.  4-H gives our young people hands on experience in a healthy environment, while helped each other to learn in a compassionate heartfelt way.  Support your local 4-H clubs they are good for our communities.