Friday, March 14, 2025

Letters to the Editor; A grave crime

| September 18, 2014 4:21 PM


A crime is being committed which hurts all of Mineral County, but particularly the poor.

Incredibly callous individuals are literally taking clothing and food from poor children by dumping their trash at the Women-in-Timber store in Superior.

It cost the store, where all workers are volunteers, $400 in August alone for trash removal.

This is money that cannot be used for programs greatly needed in our low-income county.

The fact that this dumping is a crime punishable by up to a $500 fine isn’t stopping these thieves.

WIT intends to crack down on these individuals, but they shouldn’t have to do that – they are too busy helping others. They are not policemen.

If you see someone with a load of trash headed toward the WIT store, I urge you to call the police.

The volunteers deeply appreciate your help and your donations of usable items and clothing.

Let’s help them end this selfish and senseless dumping of materials that are quite simply garbage.

Ed Chaberek,
