Friday, March 14, 2025

Support land and water alliance

| April 10, 2015 2:44 PM

It takes courage to stand up and speak THE TRUTH.  

Have you heard the onslaught of Media propoganda selling the merits of the proposed Confederated Kootenai and Salish Tribes, aka CSKT, Compact?  

Maybe you heard it failed in the Legislature in 2013.  

And here it is again.  And if it fails again, there is legislative action to extend negotiations for another 2 years.

The truth is, there is no negotiating!  There is only spin, trickery, threats of litigation and promises of certainty.  Have you heard of the Golden Rule?   

The Golden Rule is, he who has the gold makes the rules!  So, who is it, that has all the gold?  Could it be the federal government run amok?  

I mean, isn’t Bonneville Power a federal agency?  Isn’t the Environmental Protection Agency a federal agency?  Isn’t the Bureau of Indian Affaris a federal agency?  Who benefits if this compact passes?  Of course, the federal government, aka, United States (corporation).  

The U.S. is named as the owner of ALL the water defined in the Compact.   Future uses, none.  

Forever contract, oh what a dream.  The federal encroachment and overreach across America is evident to most citizens.  

Please support the individual native Americans who oppose the Compact.  Please support Montanas sovereignty and the brave Legislators that speak THE TRUTH.  

Please support Montana Land and Water Alliance.   

Support sovereignty under God.  Do you remember the Golden Rule?  All lies are the result of ingorance or money.  Montanans ignorant, I don’t think so!

David Passieri

Realtor, Irrigator and Property Rights Advocate

St Ignatius, MT 59865