Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Need for agricultural support

| August 7, 2015 1:14 PM

Today I would like to send a strong message to Governor Steve Bullock and A/G Tim Fox.

Simply put, I am angry with your recent performance and your lack of support for agriculture within our State. Families here within Lake County and Sanders County are suffering due to your firm, uneducated support of a poorly written, coercive, one sided, deceptive agreement.

For weeks now, I have been fielding calls from various land owners unable to get much needed water delivered to their crops and I have no tools or solutions to offer. Production is down by over 50% and many are forced to consider sending stock to market in an effort save both animal and family.

The State’s emergency relief program is only aimed to those land parcels that are normally unirrigated and offer no relief to those suffering the effect of Bureau of Indian Affairs’ poor management of limited water supply and pre-implementation of a Compact not yet ratified in Congress.

Governor, you placed your name upon this document, assuring those immediately affected, that their State stood behind them.

Your fellow representatives stood and stated that no land owner would suffer the loss of a single drop of water. Again, your promises have rang untrue and have brought nothing but loss and hatred amongst communities that once stood strong together.

The State and Federal Governments political positions and greed have now landed at the doorstep of the innocent farmer/rancher and due to what I believe to be your pride, families are losing their history, their future and their livelihood.

Governor, their crops and my faith in your ability to represent your State are dying. Today, I hold you accountable.

As you drove the roads leading through this beautiful land that we call home to personally sign the CSKT Compact, did you happen to take in the views around you?

Maybe this time around you should take the scenic route. Take a look at the people that you are supposed to be representing as you create laws and force us to comply.

Governor, I am more than just angry with you, I am disappointed in you and if you are anything of a son, you will understand the magnitude of that statement.

Johanna Clark