Friday, March 14, 2025

America is fast exhibiting people power

| August 14, 2015 10:16 PM

A couple of my latest “Facebook Frolics.

Witnessing Bernie Sanders record setting crowds reminds me of that sensible admonition:  “Never underestimate the power of the people.”  And America is fast exhibiting ‘people power’ as our political systems extreme partisanship and lack of good governance is wearing very thin.  This political dysfunction is energizing ‘people power’ to action.  And we see this ‘people power’ being demonstrated in other areas of concern, also.  That’s just my view from a second story balcony overlooking Polson and our beautiful lake and mountains.

Now this observation as we go about the excitement of the primaries.  And this relates to the ‘people power’ mentioned above:

With all the enthusiasm and poll watching which has Donald Trump leading by wide margins, the Republican party’s only hope is that in the ensuing months ‘people power’ shifts from Trump to most anyone else running.  A political party primary process is an exciting personality and sound-bite driven entertainment.  And the conventions are filled with much of that same excitement and enticing fervor.  But who wins?  Is the selection of a candidate based upon wise leadership or glowing and attractive rhetoric?  When the national election rolls around, ‘people power’ often shifts in nature to the very serious choice for leader of the free world.  People know this and usually act accordingly when the curtain is drawn closed in the voting booth.  At least that is the way it appears to me now.

Bob McClellan