Students and teachers come together for first annual Turkey Bowl
PLAINS – Students and teachers of Plains High School came together, last Monday, for the National Honor Society fundraiser Turkey Bowl.
The Turkey Bowl consisted of a flag football game between the grades. One team was made up of seniors and sophomores while the other was juniors with freshmen. Both teams also had some teachers playing.
The game ended with the senior/sophomore team coming out on top in a final score of 40-24. According to Jordan Plutt, faculty advisor for NHA, the students were very into the game, cheering and laughing as the teams – and especially the teachers – played. Like a full football game, there were cheers when the teams did well and boos when the referees made an unfavorable call.
“I think the student body was impressed by the athletic ability the teachers have,” said Plutt of the students’ reactions.
She felt the game, with students and teachers playing together, was very good for the school. With the students seeing their teachers as teammates and the teachers seeing the students as leaders, everyone got new insight into the other side as a person. The event was also big for raising school spirit among the students and community.
“Building school spirit has been an ongoing process at our school and this game gave a positive experience they can look forward to every year,” said Plutt.
This was the first year for the Turkey Bowl, though the hope is for it to become an annual event at the school. Plutt felt it was an incredible experience and was lots of fun to take part in as well as to watch.
The game raised approximately $500 through a turkey raffle. There were four turkeys, not store bought, which were given to the winners just in time for Thanksgiving.
The event acted as a fundraiser for the NHS to fund their activities and their trip later this school year. NHS helps teach students better public interaction skills and community service. They run the concession booths during games and work with students at the elementary school.