Friday, March 14, 2025

A message for Senator Daines

| February 13, 2015 6:20 PM

Dear Senator Daines:

Are you kidding us?

Do you seriously not understand why California is bankrupt? They have a balanced budget “amendment”. They keep on spending and raising taxes to cover the “keep spending more” crowd, in order to “balance” the budget... I LIVED THERE; I KNOW WHEREOF I SPEAK.

Do you seriously believe that an amendment like this will reign the tyrants, despots, the Federal bureaucracies, whose every minute on the job is spent figuring out NEW ways to spend money?

Please, do not support this.

The US Constitution ALREADY authorizes Congress - through MANDATORY language - to “balance” the Federal budget.

It is in the simply-worded “power to tax” portion of Article one - which IS limited to those specified, limited, and clearly defined purposes for which “taxes and excises” may be “laid”. ONLY for the purposes delegated to Congress (and thereby, by extension, to the Executive and Judiciary branches).

Taxes, according to the US Constitution, are “laid” - however - by the STATES. Not Congress. Congress merely gets any “excess”... and may collect ONLY those for which the US Constitution authorizes them. This includes even the “income taxes” - I’ve never seen a member of Congress ask me for mine...

Look at the purposes for which “taxes” are laid and collected. Not the EPA. Not YOUR paycheck. But, to EFFECT the limited and clearly defined powers delegated BY THE STATES to Congress, in 1789...

We do not need to screw up the US Constitution. We DO need to STOP the fascists who want to destroy OUR republic.

The US Constitution is not the problem. Amending it is not the solution. Do YOUR duties.


Jim Greaves

Thompson Falls MT