Thursday, February 20, 2025

Legislators to host local meeting

| February 27, 2015 5:44 PM

Legislators to host local meeting March 2

By Montana State Senator Jennifer Fielder, R – Thompson Falls

Area residents will have a chance to meet with their legislators, and visa versa, during a mid-session meeting this Monday March 2 at 7pm in Plains Bible Chapel. (8 E. Combest Rd, Plains, MT).  

With seven jam packed weeks of the 2015 legislative session behind us, all legislators will be given a four day break from Helena to allow us time to travel home, reconnect with our families, and visit with folks in our own districts this weekend.

Rep Bob Brown and Rep Nicholas Schwaderer will join me at Monday’s meeting to discuss the legislative actions we are dealing with in Helena and ways you can follow what’s happening or share your thoughts about matters most important to you. Your input is important so I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to meet face to face.

In the meanwhile here are a few highlights of a variety of noteworthy bills that have passed the Senate and will go over to the House of Representatives for their consideration after the break. For details, you can find each bill in its entirety at

SB 262: The hotly debated CSKT Water Compact passed out of Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

SJ9 & HB147: Measures to control and reduce the cost of healthcare.

SB180: Fund senior citizen and persons with disability transportation services.

SB168, SB240, & SB196: Improve education accommodations for military reserve personnel, military children, and allow private employers to give hiring preference to military veterans and their spouses.

SB37: Extend water right filing deadline allowing individuals until Feb 28, 2018 to file their claims for previously undocumented exempt rights.

SB171 & SB200:  Income tax reduction for all taxpaying Montanans.

SB145: Reallocation of oil and gas revenues to better assist impacted communities in meeting infrastructure needs.

SB213: Funding flexibility for school safety and emergency operations plans.

SB244: Establish a Montana Trade Center in Alberta Canada to attract trade and tourism to Montana communities.

SB148: Improve fraud detection and prevention in public assistance programs.

SB122: Incentive for ammunition manufacturers to locate in Montana.

We have worked on hundreds of other bills in both the House and Senate, many with strong bi-partisan support. After the mid-term break, successful Senate bills will be taken up for consideration in the House of Representatives, and visa versa.

If they survive both chambers the bills will go to the Governor’s desk where they will be signed into law, vetoed, or sent back to the legislature with requested changes for our reconsideration.

There’s a lot going on, some good, some not so good. Hope to fill you in 7pm Monday March 2 at Plains Bible Chapter. Many thanks to the Sanders County Republican Central Committee for sponsoring the event and covering meeting hall rental costs.

Driving directions to Plains Bible Chapel: From Hwy 200 in Plains -cross railroad tracks at Willis Street, take wye (5th Ave) to the left, cross over Clark Fork River, go past Fairgrounds, turn left at stop sign (T intersection), follow Combest about 2 mile, Chapel is on the right.

For regular e-updates please sign up online at  or find me on facebook. I can also be reached by email at or US mail at P.O. Box 2558 Thompson Falls, MT 59873.

Thanks, and God Bless!


Senator Jennifer Fielder

Montana State Senate - District 7