Monday, March 03, 2025

Plains Trotters make a valiant fight

by Ben Granderson/Valley Press
| January 7, 2015 6:23 PM

The Plains Trotters vs. Loyola Sacred Heart Breakers game got off to a slow start Friday night. Not until Sami Kinzie, made the first shot at 4:36 minutes left in the first quarter.

The night was plagued with mishaps and eventual downtrodden Trotters, who had to make great leaps and bounds in the fourth quarter to close a growing gap in points in the middle of the game.

The score at the end of the first quarter was, Trotters with five, the Breakers at two. It was looking good for the Trotters, who brought the score up to, Trotters with nine, Breakers with two at 5:30 minutes left in the second.

The Trotters maintained at least an eight point lead until the Breakers were given a set of free throws, which brought the score to Trotters 15 - Breakers 11.

And then the tide had shifted. The Breakers picked up their game and in the third quarter gained a total of ten points with half of the third quarter gone. The Trotters did not score a single point in the first half of the third quarter.

“Our attitudes in the middle of the game.” Coach Griffin described as one of the main issues the Trotters had when it came to point accumulation during the third quarter.

By the end of the third, the score was, Breakers 28 - Trotters 20.

The fourth quarter was a fight to the very end, with the Trotters almost making a comeback. At one point the Trotters had a one point lead with 33, the Breakers with 32. Spectators were all standing and Coach Griffin could not sit still, jumping with excitement as it looked like a major comeback was possible.

The fight continued to the very end with each team putting points up on the board. With seconds on the clock, the Trotters made a drive down the court in hopes of tying up the score with a three point shot, but to no avail.

The final score was a close 39 - 36, Breakers taking the win.

“They wanted to come back, but it was too late.” Coach Griffin said after the game. He then explained, “They have the opportunity and ability to become a really good team. Attitude is key!”

Plains went on the road and defeated Eureka 50-36 on the Saturday following their game with Loyola.

The Trotters used a strong second half to secure the 14-point road victory.

Next week for the Trotters will be an away game within Sanders County against the Thompson Falls Lady Hawks.

The game is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, Jan. 8.