Sunday, February 23, 2025

An update from Senator Fielder

| January 16, 2015 4:05 PM

Just like farmers, we reap what we sow. This age-old “law of the harvest” never changes.

Sadly, in much of rural Montana many families are suffering from poverty and hopelessness. Although we are literally surrounded by a world of natural wealth, we can’t access it. In Northwest Montana we have abundant precious mineral deposits, vast timber lands, and endless outdoor recreation opportunities.

But the bulk of these resources are locked up on federally controlled lands.

And since the federal government doesn’t pay property taxes on the 29 million acres they own in Montana, our taxable land base is that much smaller. Needlessly, our region consistently tops the state’s poverty and unemployment charts.

Bad government is the single greatest obstacle to freedom and prosperity. Here in America, we have the knowledge and ability to put our abundant natural resources to work in a manner that balances environmental quality with economic productivity. We simply lack the political knowledge and courage to do so.

Whiles some clamor for me to invest my time in expanding welfare programs, my efforts in the legislature are geared at real solutions to the poverty problem. I am investing my efforts in independence by removing bureaucratic barriers, restoring hope, and unleashing opportunity for Montanans so those with the desire can live free and prosperous lives.

It should never be our goal to place able-bodied people on welfare. Offering welfare instead of opening opportunity for good paying jobs does not encourage self-reliance or facilitate prosperity. On the contrary, it dangerously increases dependence on government and diminishes the motivation to provide for oneself.

This is perhaps the greatest philosophical difference between Republicans and Democrats. I believe we can do better and we must if we are to thrive as a society in both the short and long term. I am working on a number of pieces of legislation to pump up the economy and protect the life, liberty, and property of Montanans. If Democrats choose to work with me, there is no limit to how much good we can do. Here are a few snippets:

Public Lands Package to:

• strengthen local citizens voice in public land management decisions

  • improve public access, environmental health, and economic productivity on our public lands

•provide relief to counties adversely impacted by federal land management by aiding counties in incorporating local objectives into federal land use plans and actions and fully funding payment in lieu of taxes

• develop plan for increasing state and local control of federal public lands through transferring some federal lands to the state

•        maximize scientific integrity as relates to environmental policy

There are many other efforts I am engaged in as well. Restoring access, health and productivity on public lands remains high on my list as it is the single greatest thing we can do to enhance the freedom and prosperity of rural Montanans.

While we are in session over the next few months, you can connect with me at or leave a message for me at 406 444-4800.


Senator Jennifer Fielder