Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Republicans positioning for 2016 election

| January 23, 2015 4:11 PM

It amazes and amuses me to hear many of the talking heads acting like there is anything but total confusion within the Republican party.  Their almost freakish positioning of the parade of possible candidates for president in the 2016 general election is downright strange.

And the latest addition of Mitt Romney, the personal auto elevator king, to this list certainly adds to the drama.  You can’t make this stuff up.  There it is, folks, right out there in the perpetually pandering news media.  Stay tuned.  It might even get more bizarre, if that is at all possible.

As I listen to otherwise quite normal and intelligent people thinking they are making sense as they speak about the Republican’s good chances for victory in 2016, my only conclusion is that desperation must trump logic when it comes to politics.

And now that the Republicans have a majority in both the House and the Senate, you can almost feel the tension and fear that exists because they know that now the American public expects them to actually accomplish something.  They have not been accustomed to this for some years now.  The “Party of No” has to transition into “The Party of Action”.  This is not easy.

With such a strong and obvious divide within the Republican party, it is doubtful that they will be able to coalesce on either a strong presidential candidate or good legislation.  The Republican’s very radical right extremism needs to be brought under control.  But there is just too much money presently being spent on feeding the fears among the American public  to expect reason, clear vision and good forward thinking legislation.

But, time will tell.  And we know one thing, the next two years are going to be most interesting for our nation and our world.

Bob McClellan

9 A Avenue,  Apt 27

Polson,  MT   59860
