Saturday, March 01, 2025

Compact sets dangerous precedent for Montana

| March 28, 2015 3:38 PM

While there are many questions associated with the contentious and complex CSKT Water Compact, here are some known details:

1. This is a “take it or leave it” deal and the Montana Legislature will forever be unable to amend it.  Is it a Compact or Treaty?

2. There are repeated threats of 10,000 damaging lawsuits if this compact is not quickly passed as is, in its entirety.  Are we being bullied?

3. Board members managing the compact will consist of five members appointed by the tribes and the governor. Montana citizens are not directly represented even though $55 million in taxpayer money is allotted to the tribes in this compact.  Taxation without Representation?

4. This compact gives control of private water rights both on and off the reservation to the feds/tribes. This claim of other people’s water rights is new and unprecedented in other water compacts.  Is this a unlawful taking?

5. The “right to fish” for the tribes has all of a sudden magically become the “right to control the waters” in 11 counties, which would affect a third of Montana citizens. Who made this misinterpretation?

Don’t be fooled, this compact sets a dangerous precedence for a communist-style takeover of our natural resources and property by the feds via the Indian tribes. This compact sets a dangerous precedence for the serious breach of state sovereignty and the taking of personal property without just compensation. This egregiously bad bill and compact should be vigorously opposed by all freedom loving Montanans. Please contact your Legislators and ask them to vote no on SB262 CSKT Water Compact.

Ken Matthiesen

Plains, MT