Monday, February 24, 2025

Aiding and abetting

| May 8, 2015 1:35 PM

Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution you three swore oaths to protect and defend includes this - “The United States ... shall protect each of them [ie, each state] against invasion...”

And, yet, when the paragon Obama was challenged by Sheriff Arpaio and Governor Brewer (AZ), they were both rebuffed and sued by Eric Holder (on behalf of Obama).

Compounding that, Obama has essentially told INS and Border Patrol to “stand down”, while simultaneously is flying aliens into our Republic, without proper immigrant status!

As if those things were not sufficiently egregious, Obama is transporting tens of thousands of illegal invasive minors and others from many nations to most of our states, and their major and minor cities.

Transporting minors across state lines for the purposes of criminal behavior (before or after the fact) is a felony. At least it was when I was young.

There is a place in the Constitution to defeat this arrogant refusal to “faithfully execute the laws” by Obama and his running dog allies.

It is called Impeachment, for “high crimes and misdemeanors”.

Seems to me, aiding and abetting invasion against “each of them [the states]” is tantamount to at least “misdemeanor” if not a “high crime”.

Transporting minors across state lines is a crime, no matter how one may modify it.

Do your duties and get this guy under arrest, so he has to tell who he really is during “discovery” - when all his records will be under court orders to be held without destruction, while Congress works to decide the matter.

Thank you.

Jim Greaves, Thompson Falls MT