Thursday, March 06, 2025

Now what...

| May 29, 2015 11:08 PM

What if?  Where would we be today?  What if in 2008 the McCain/Palin ticket had garnered the 53% plurality from the 62% of eligible voters in American instead of Obama?  Just think about it.  Where would we be today?

First of all, who better to appoint as Secretary of State than Chris Christy.  His outstanding bullying tactics would shape up our adversaries in no time.  No problem there.  Yes, from Watergate to Bridgegate, but those are minor glitches as politics go.

But look at the tremendous advantages in continuing the GWB economic and financial policies, and bringing Cheney. Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Rove into the Oval Office fold as advisors for ramping up military controls over additional troublesome nations beyond the already great victories in Afghanistan and Iraq with the help of our dear friends in Pakistan.

I mean, when you look at all this and listen to the attacks on Obama’s totally failed policies by the vast array of presidential candidates on the Republican ticket, and  guessing at what policies each of them might advocate, how can one help but regret what happened back in 2008?

Oh, put aside the improved economy, improved employment, good first steps in overhauling our health care system, withdrawing military from another failed invasion, stabilizing our banking system, advocating for an improved educational system, making sense of numerous social issues, highlighting our racial divides and addressing immigration and a few other good things.  Just put that all aside because America The Beautiful would surely be something different than it is today  under John McCain, with a lady by his side in Sarah Palin who can see Russia from her bedroom.

I am finding it almost impossible to pull my tongue out of my cheek, but I will type one last comment before seeking medical and/or psychiatric help:    The proverbial “grain of salt” will never do the job that will be required in absorbing the political rhetoric the next 18 months.  And my doctor suggested I go on a salt free diet!  Now what................

Bob McClellan