Thursday, March 06, 2025

Bazaar to benefit hospital residents

by by: ADAM ROBERTSON Clark Fork Valley Press
| November 25, 2015 1:18 PM

PLAINS – Area residents will gather together to help their elders living at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital, next Friday, during their annual holiday bazaar.

The Holiday Bazaar is the main fundraiser for the hospital’s long-term care program.

The event raises money to benefit the residents and purchase things they want or need. Last year, they were able to purchase a new lift for wheelchairs and other equipment. The money also goes towards putting on events for the residents.

“It just benefits long-term care all around,” said Trudi Smith, events coordinator at the hospital.

The bazaar will be held in Building 1 on the hospital property; from going in the main entrance, this is to the left of the main hospital. Smith noted this was a good location for the event as there was plenty of parking and a good amount of space for the different vendors to set up.

Everything being sold will have been donated by members of the community and 100 percent of the proceeds go to the residents as well as their activity fund. The bazaar usually has items made by the residents themselves – like canned goods, recipe bundles and decorations – as well as a variety of things from the community; in the past they have sold scarves, hats, kids toys and a ton of Christmas items.

Donations come from all over. Smith said many of the local businesses give things to sell and most others bring in gifts or donate time to help. One of the classes at the Plains school usually makes fudge to sell; according to Smith, this is usually a very popular item at the bazaar.

“The community really does come together for long-term care,” Smith said of the community’s response.

She noted lots of the churches, as well as a variety of other groups, also volunteered to help out. She recalled there was a group of women who regularly came to do the residents’ hair, people come in to singer and others; some people just come in and talk with them.

The hospital will be setting everything up on Thursday, December 3. Smith said this would also give people with last minute donations a chance to bring them in. The event will open at 9 am and close at 4 pm. During the last half hour, everything being sold goes to half off.

“Quality of life for our residents is something that’s really important,” Smith said of the event’s importance. “Events like this help donate to their quality of life through the activities program.”