Thursday, March 06, 2025

Mineral County Conservation Field Tour Is a Great Success

by Adam Robertson Clark Fork Valley Press
| October 11, 2015 7:15 PM

On October 1st, the Mineral Conservation District and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service hosted a conservation field tour that reviewed recent project work throughout Mineral County.

Throughout the day landowners and other interested participants were provided with a comprehensive overview of natural resource management activities occurring in the local area. Tour stops included forest thinning projects- geared toward reducing hazardous fuels and improving on-site growing conditions, and featured a demonstration of the Conservation District’s chipper- which is available for landowners to rent for use on their own projects.

Organic crop production was also discussed, and several seasonal high tunnels were toured as well.  High tunnels are structures installed to increase fruit and vegetable crop production and extend the growing season beyond what local climate conditions normally allow, and have become increasingly popular throughout Western Montana in recent years. In addition, a variety of other topics were also discussed, to include soil health fundamentals, noxious weed management, and sound grazing management activities.

Travis Lemke and John Bowe from the local NRCS Field Office provided project background information and discussed opportunities for landowners to receive technical assistance and project funding opportunities through USDA-NRCS conservation programs.

Both NRCS and Conservation District staff were encouraged by the turn out and are planning future events to showcase additional project work. Landowners interested in working with the Conservation District and the NRCS are encouraged to contact Charlee Thompson at (406) 382-0202 and John Bowe at (406) 829-3395, ext. 121.