Friday, March 14, 2025

People power can be the source of beneficial changes

| October 17, 2015 4:58 PM

Bob McClellan

Polson,  MT   59860

It appears that there is a tremendously significant movement gaining momentum in America right now.  The crowds responding to Democratic candidate for president, Bernie Sanders, is the perfect example.  This movement can be called “People Power”.  And once it gets going in a democratic system such as  ours, unlike a dictatorship, it tends to not be stopped.  Dictatorships physically attack the people of “People Power”, killing and incarcerating.   Law enforcement in America’s democratic system respect  the  freedom-of-expression rights of the  people.  The people then go about their business and vote their views as the movement grows.

Recently, in what areas of American life have we already seen great change?  And what dramatic changes are on the horizon?  Well, in a number of places:  Health care system, Education, Diplomacy over military interventions, Numerous  social issues, Climate change, Tampering down greed and big money political control, Physical infrastructure, Alternative energy sources....the list goes. 

Indications are that starting with the Obama administration, America really took a first big step in responding to “We The People Power”.  Once that gate is open just a little, there is no stopping it swinging open wider and wider until the flow is full and free.  And from then on, even as various challenges exist,, the underlying “People Power Politics” is the guiding light. 

This is just my personal ‘take’ from what many whom I listen to with respect are saying.  Is there hope for America’s future?  What do you think is the answer to that question given the foundations upon which this great country was formed?   “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.”  [Uncle Abe]