Friday, March 14, 2025

Alberton community gathers in support of family after fire

by Kathleen Woodford Mineral Independent
| October 28, 2015 2:46 PM

About 150 neighbors, friends and community members showed up at the River Edge Resort in Alberton on Sunday, October 25, to support the Cole family.  Their house burned down last Friday, on October 23rd.  “The cause of the fire was undetermined because it burned so hot”, said the homeowner, Adam Cole, “but I believe it started in the dryer”.

The benefit included a live auction, raffles, and lunch with music provided by Dick Darne and Friends.  The raffles were for a Grizzly-Bobcat football game package and Grizzly-Eastern Washington football tickets.  There were 84 auction items, including a variety of gift baskets, jewelry, quilts, Cabela’s waders, clothing, furniture, firewood, and even an AR-15 rifle.  Proceeds totaled 7,500$.  

The house was insured, but it was a total loss. “We are just overwhelmed by the support,” said Adam, who is a probation officer and investigator for the county attorney’s office, “it’s truly heartwarming to see the community wrap their arms around us and help us.  We’re part of a family, a part of the community, not just neighbors down the street.”  

Stacy Cole, who works at the Missoula County 911 Center, heard the call come in and recognized the address as her own.  “It was just disbelief,” she recalled, “I left immediately.”  She arrived homed to find her husband, their two dogs and son safely outside the burning building.  Their daughter was staying at relatives and wasn’t home at the time of the fire.  

The Coles are still debating as to whether they’ll rebuild on the same property or move to a different location.  They will, however, stay in the area.  “We are truly blessed to live in such a great community,” said Adam, “we want to thank everyone for their support.  It’s hard to explain, it just means so much”.